Saturday, May 14, 2011

Why I'm MIA #amwriting

For the past couple of weeks, I've been so far into my writing cave, I haven't had time for more than the occasional twitter visit, reading a page or two of a book here and there, and buying tickets for Tori Amos concerts.

It's been stressful, but OMG you guys, the book is coming along wonderfully - with so many fun plot twists, I often ask myself - now where the heck did that come from?!

This coming week, you likely won't see me online at all.  I'm leaving next Saturday, and by then, LEVEL TWO should be finished, printed out, and ready for me to go over with a red pen on the plane ride to NYC.

I'll try to post my BEA schedule on Sunday May 22nd and I hope to catch up with many of you fellow attendees during the week.

Until then, wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! It's so exciting when plot twists pop up and make it way more interesting! Have fun at BEA!


  2. How exciting!! I can't wait to see you in New York!

  3. Good luck and see you in NYC!

  4. Have fun! (And, ironically, I'm tackling my book with a red pen this week, too). But I sort of wish I had a long flight to work on it during! This internet thing is very very distracting... :)

  5. Lenore,
    It's so great to hear that the book is going well and that you working so intensely on it. I hope that things continue to go smoothly and that you get a lot done before your trip to NY!

  6. Love to hear how happy you are with the process. Maybe our paths will cross at the BEA? I'm hoping so! I'll be there the morning of the 25th.

  7. I'm so happy to hear that you are busily writing and that things are going well. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the finished product.

  8. Have fun in NYC -- I'm sorry I'm not going to be there. And congrats on the progress on your book. I can't wait to read it!

  9. So glad words are flowing from you! Cannot wait to see you.

  10. Good luck hon! Can't wait to read your book! I AM ONE PROUD AUNT!

  11. Awww good luck! Glad to hear that the book is coming along great! Can't wait.

  12. Hiya. Guess what? You're invited! I am starting up a networking community for supporters of the LGBT community, as well as readers and writers of LGBT fiction and nonfiction, called Everything LGBT. The blog will discuss LGBT novels, movies, music, rights/issues, current events, etc. I would love it if you would join and share the link with whomever you can. I believe that media will bring the next big change, and I want to help to make that happen. Thanks.

    <3 Gina Blechman

  13. All I can say is, I cannot WAIT for your book. Write away! :D


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