Monday, June 27, 2011

Book Review: Dead Rules by Randy Russell

In this inventive tragicomedy, Jana Webster dies in an apparent bowling accident and lands in Dead School, an afterlife way station for teen risers (those on their way up) and sliders (those on their way down).  Jana needs to figure out the Dead Rules to facilitate her plan of bringing her boyfriend Michael Haynes to the same plane as her so that they can be together forever.

Jana is the very definition of the smothering girlfriend.  Her identity is so completely tied up in being part of Webster & Haynes, she can’t fathom an existence without Michael.   She’s so single minded in her plan to kill Michael that she doesn’t care what happens to her – or that her skin gets all tingly when sexy slider Mars touches her.

On the surface, this is a wickedly funny story of Jana’s obsession interspersed with anecdotes of the other students about their deaths (all very bizarre – involving lawn darts, birds and drunken uncles).  But there is so much tragedy underneath the hijinks as Jana is revealed as a terminally lonely soul who doesn’t understand her own worth.  What Debut Author Russell set up and executed here blows me away and I desperately want to discuss this novel with others.  Get in touch!!

DEAD RULES is out now.  Find out more about it at the author’s website.


  1. I liked this one. It was very original.

  2. definitely reading this one next now that I've read your review!

  3. Never heard of this one but I will definitely be picking it up based on your review. Sounds good!

  4. The cover is so creepy and scary.But it sounds good.

  5. "But there is so much tragedy underneath the hijinks as Jana is revealed as a terminally lonely soul who doesn’t understand her own worth."

    YES! I wanted to just grab Jana and give her a big hug. :)

  6. wanting to discuss this with others makes me want to read it!!

  7. I really want to read this! But I've seen several reviews pointing to the MCs obsessive behavior as off-putting so I keep putting off reading it.

  8. This does sound strange, but also enticing for some reason, and that cover is really eye catching. I bet this book would inspire a whole lot of discussion, so I will have to be on the lookout for it.

  9. thanks for the reviewing the book! someone recommended this book to me and I find it interesting at first but never actually got that push I need to go and get a copy for myself. Thanks a lot and I'll be willing to share my thoughts about the book here!

  10. OHHHH, I've got this one to read. I should get on that sooner than later!

  11. I LOVED this book. Randy is a fellow Elevensie debut, and a buddy so I ordered this one the minute it popped up on Amazon - and I'm so glad I did! I love how much you watch Jana grow and change - I totally understand the need to discuss this one!


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