Friday, June 17, 2011


If you follow me on twitter or on Facebook, you may know some or all of the following, but I thought it would be good to collect it all in one place, just in case you missed something.

LEVEL TWO sold in its first foreign territory - Brazil!  How exciting is that?  It has also sold in a few other territories so far, but I'm not allowed to announce yet.  So stay tuned.

Old news for some, but you can add LEVEL TWO to your to-read list on GoodReads.  I'm closing in on 400 people adding it ... way cool!

Do you know The Apocalypsies?  It's a group open to all middle-grade and YA authors debuting their book in 2012, and it's a great way for you to get a sneak peek at all the awesome debut books that are due out next year.  Follow us on twitter too - especially if you want to be the first to see our cover reveals!  Oh and check out my Apocalypsies bio page.

I'm also part of a new group blog dedicated to sci-fi YA 2012 debuts: Brave New Words.  In true YA publishing fashion, we are fifteen women and one 6'7 man.  We'll be sharing stories about our paths to publication as well as other cool stuff.  Stop by!

The finished LEVEL TWO manuscript is currently with my editor, so while I'm waiting for her feedback, I'm spinning ideas for the possible sequel (LEVEL THREE?) as well as mapping out other projects such as picture books and a super secret fab novel idea.  I'm also trying to catch up on my reading and get a head start on Dystopian August - which is just around the corner.

If only my cats wouldn't be so clingy and always want to lay on my hands ...


  1. YAY Lenore! We can greet the apocalypse in Brazil together! Also, you could always try a LEVEL 2 prequel? LEVEL 1? ;) Congrats on everything!

  2. Emily - LEVEL 1 is pretty well covered in LEVEL 2, ha! And yay for facing the apocalypse together. Nice to have someone as talented and kick-butt as you by my side!

  3. Lenore, that's my birth country! Woot for Level Two in Brazil!! Congrats on getting the manuscript turned in!

  4. Awesome V! Then you can read it in English and/or Portuguese!

  5. Congrats Lenore! Looks like Level 2 is taking over the world :-P

  6. Congratulations Lenore! I am so super excited about this book coming out, and I can't wait to read it! I also added it as to be read on Good Reads as well. I hope that it's amazingly successful, but then again, I know it will be!

  7. So excited for you!!! I can't wait to read it :) Just added it on goodreads.

  8. April - Wouldn't that be nice? Ha!

    Zibilee and Jessica - Thanks so much!

  9. Oh my gosh, this is all so exciting, Lenore! I'm just thrilled for you and sure hope you make it my way for your book tour!!

  10. Congratulations Lenore! I cannot wait for this one to hit shelves in Canada next year and/or to see more buzz about it at BEA 2012!

  11. Congrats on that foreign deal! I hope L2 comes to my country, Argentina. After all, it is Brasil's neighbour.
    I've had the book on my GR TBR list for a while now ;) Can't wait to read it!

  12. WOOHOO LENORE! You rock. But you already knew that!


  13. Squee, congrats on Brazil lady!!! and for turned in manuscript *does dance for you*!

  14. Congrats Lenore! Sounds like Level Two is already a huge success and it's not even out yet! I am waiting with bated breath for the cover reveal. :)

  15. Kathy - Thanks! I'll try ;)

    k - me too!

    Ella - Argentina seems to be a hard country to break into. But here's to hoping!

    Rach - Thanks!

  16. Heather - *does dance with you*

    Beth - We've only just started to hint about talking about a cover, so I think it might be awhile!

  17. this is beyond awesome Lenore!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Congrats, Lenore! I can't wait to see the cover of your book! (And I'm looking forward to reading it of course!)

  19. Hey, Lenore, great to see you're in the Apocalypsies. The burnt out, rained on, raggedy edged Elevensies are trying to set up a live chat with you bright and shiny talented faces soon. Hope you can make it!

  20. Congratulations, Lenore!

    (my cat is going through a needy phase too...if she would just SIT on my lap, that would be fine, but she is being to clingy even to settle down....)

  21. Wow wow WOW! Very cool. Off to add it! Don't know why I haven't...

  22. That is amazing news!! Congratulations!!

  23. Wow Lenore, I'm so happy for you! Congrats on the big news!

  24. Aye Carumba!! Those Braziliams are some smart cookies!!


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