Friday, June 24, 2011

Presenting my new author photo!

Three weeks I posted the nine finalists and asked for your opinions on which author photo to choose.  Your comments (over 130 of them - wow!) were incredibly helpful - thank you!

While a lot of you liked #9, it's true that glasses can quickly date a picture.  #4 was another favorite, but didn't seem quite right for the tone of my novel (maybe if I were writing romantic comedies).  Finally, after a lot of debate, I choose #1 (the one that Sab H. commented makes me look the most "bad-ass").

Thanks again to Vania / VLC Productions. She takes great pictures!


  1. It's classic and will last you through several levels!

  2. If I remember correctly, I think this was my favorite. You look very cerebral but also bad-ass. Nice.

  3. I can definitely understand what you mean about #4 not being the right tone if you're writing YA dystopian. This one is awesome, too, though!

  4. Lovely! And even better? That you can say you have an AUTHOR PHOTO now! :D

  5. I like this photo a lot. I think my first choice was number 4, but I can understand why you didn't use that one. I can't wait to see it on the back cover of the book!

  6. They are all gorgeous, but I do love the one you chose! Can't wait to see it in print :)

  7. i loved them all! but this one is does rock the bad ass vibe! you're beautiful!

  8. I missed the voting! I'm going to have to go back and look. But I love this one. You look absolutely gorgeous.

  9. Great choice! You look lovely, devious, and thoughtful all at the same time.

  10. I think you made the right choice! Can't wait to see it on the book!

  11. Excellent choice...can't wait to buy my copy!!

  12. love love love! And Vania is a genius with the camera :)

  13. Great choice! Can not wait to see it in the book!

  14. AWESOME picture. It'll last for sure. And your eyes really pop in this photo.


  15. I think I might've chosen 4, but I really like this one. :)

  16. it's a great shot! can't wait to see it on the book itself! :)

  17. A great photo, glad to see your "bad-ass" side on twitter, too!

  18. That's an awesome picture! You look great!

  19. I like this one. You have such a mysterious smile :)


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