Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shift book and bracelet giveaway

At the beginning of May, I reviewed SHIFT, the second book in Jeri-Smith Ready's YA series that began with SHADE.  It's such a fun series - so I'm thrilled to be able to offer one lucky reader in the US a copy of SHIFT and a ghost bead bracelet.

Find out more about the series at the official website and the author's website.

Enter the giveaway via this form by June 16th.  Good luck!


  1. Google will not allow me access to the form.

  2. Sorry about that Elaine! I fixed the link now.

  3. *wants*

    *sad panda eyes*


    Canada. So close, and yet, so very very far.

    *wanders away*

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! I might have accidentally filled the form out twice! Sorry :(

  5. Thank you so much for the great giveaway I can't wait to read shift thanks so much for the chance!


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