Friday, July 29, 2011

Book Review: Sinister Scenes by PJ Bracegirdle

Joy Wells is back in this final installment of the JOY OF SPOOKING trilogy – a series I love. 

I’m perplexed. Why isn’t this series more popular?  It has fantastic series storytelling (each book has a standalone plot but the first two books set up plot points that lead to inventive and surprising revelations in book three), a precocious and likeable protagonist, three dimensional supporting characters, an antagonist (Mr. Phipps) so compelling he’s made my favorite villains list, intrigue, adventure, a tiny hint of romance, wry humor, infinitely quotable writing … I could go on and on.

SINISTER SCENES finds a horror movie being filmed in Spooking.  When the starlet cast as the lead goes missing, Joy is asked to step in.  Also starring is the former arch-nemesis of  Mr. Phipps: Teddy Danger, a former fan of Phipps band who left Spooking and made it big.  Via the movie, Joy and Phipps uncover long-buried secrets and discover they may have more in common than they ever thought possible.

When I think about the genius way Author PJ Bracegirdle left a bunch of clues throughout the books and then surprised the heck out of me with the wrap-up of Spooking’s mythology, I am rendered speechless.  The whole movie set plot was also a lot of fun and a great backdrop to the character’s interactions.

This was the perfect note to end the series on, though I’ll always be open to more Joy and more Mr. Phipps. Find out more about the series at the author's website.


  1. I haven't heard much about these books, but they sound fun and all have great covers! I am glad that the last installment in this series didn't disappoint. It's good when a series can keep itself together.

  2. I've never heard of this series but I just bought the first one, on your recommendation. Always on the lookout for a great MG mystery that I can share with my students! Thanks!
    Mary @ Book Swarm

  3. I don;t know these, yet but man I LOVE the cover set!

  4. Oh goodness, I owe book number 2 a review; I did enjoy it (and the first book) lots!

  5. I can't believe I've never heard of these before, they look like perfect rainy day types reads. And those covers are gorgeous!


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