Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mara Madness Tour & Review of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

So let me set the scene for you.  It's pre-BEA in NYC this past May and I'm moderating a panel at the Teen Author Carnival featuring debut authors.  Michelle Hodkin is on the panel.  She reads an excerpt from MARA DYER.  I'm captivated from word one.  The voice! The language! The serious hotness of Noah Shaw!!

I immediately knew, out of all the books I picked up at BEA, I was going to read MARA DYER first.

Right after BEA, Daniel and I went to Argentina, and I read MARA DYER on the ferry ride over to Uruguay.  This book rocked my world.  It's atmospheric, thrilling, believable despite the paranormal happenings, and it features my favorite YA boy of the year: Noah Shaw. (He's up there with Peeta on my all time list, so you know that means something.)

There's a murky scene near the end featuring alligators that caused a bit of twitter uproar a while back that we like to call #gatorgate - and in honor of #gatorgate, I wore my MARA DYER t-shirt to the Nuremburg Zoo and got this photo with a gator. (Actually a caiman ... but shhh don't tell!)

I am so, so excited about getting a copy of the MARA DYER hardcover and rereading the book so I can hang out with Mara (NOAH) again.  If you want a chance at winning a free *signed* hardcover, why not join the Mara Madness scavenger hunt? Each blog on the tour (21 stops) has a clue. The clues will be letters that spell out an important line from the book. Even if you haven't read the book you should be able to piece it together! The last day to solve the clue and enter for cool prizes is Sept 30th.

You can find the full tour schedule here. That way you can get all the clues. Once you have the line from the book figured out you can go here to enter the giveaway. And here is my clue:


  1. I love the cover. Guess I have to add it to my TBR mountain, er, list.

  2. Sounds cool, but I am terrible at scavenger hunt contests.

  3. I love this book so much that I've officially started freaking out when anyone mentions the word Noah.

    Thanks for participating in the tour.

  4. You meet this girl who really doesn't remember a couple days of her life. All she knows is that she was with her best friends when they died. THAT IS IT!!! I mean come one how great is that!! I couldn't believe it. But any who, her family moves to another state and she has to start all over...and there she meets Noah. Noah really helps her find out why she is here and what she needs in her life. But there are always secrets, and there will always be secrets. Secrets make the world go around!


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