Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (43)

Emmy's not too happy that Kaia is in her spot.

But I guess she'll get over it.


  1. It looks like you need to buy another one of those cube things!

  2. I guess they are learning about sharing...

  3. Aw, Emmy looks grumpy in that second photo ;-) *hugs to kitteh*

  4. Our kitties would fight over that cat area, so I know what you mean.

  5. It makes me wonder how long she stood there waiting for Kaia to move. :)

  6. Oh wow, this is too funny! I am seriously missing my two puppies right now so this just pretty much made my day. ;0)

  7. Poor Emmy, reminds me of our Muffy!

  8. They just want to have dinner with the family! Who can blame them. :)


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