Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (44)

It's a cat party in the shower ... until the water turns on.


  1. Ha! It must be cool on their little furry tummies!

  2. They are probably hoping to get a drink, too. Cats always seem to be near where the water comes from: sinks, toilets, and apparently showers! My mother's cat dashes into the bathroom after a shower for a drink.

  3. Mine like to lay in the bath, too. Just to mess with Dante one day, I turned the tap on to a trickle and stopped the drain - he watched curiously as the water sloooowly crept up to him...and then FREAKED when the water touched his paws. It was HILARIOUS (I'm such a naughty kitty-mommy).

  4. Oh my gosh, they are adorable! What beautiful little furbabies <3

    One of ours does the same thing, too. He'll lay in the bathtub hoping for a drink - cats love fresh water sources lol

  5. What beautiful kitties!! They must be trying to escape the heat!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  6. My cats love sleeping in my bathtub. Or my sink. Great picture!

  7. Great pic -- and your little ones have gotten so big!

  8. I can imagine they would run away pretty fast!

  9. I love that they all want to be together like that.

  10. love it! Abby loves to lick water out of the bathtub after showers, which I think is disgusting. Muffin on the other hand, could care about water, unless it's in a glass or a sink!

  11. Is it difficult to keep those fluffy ones clean, or do they take care of themselves?

  12. I bet it's the coolness of the tile that attracts them. My cats seem to love the sink for the same reason.

  13. They are so cute! I just love cats!

  14. LOL! You could totally trap them in there and get them clean. :)

  15. That's so adorable to see them all sleeping together like this! Mine only enters the bathroom to drink in the toilet, and only if I'm far away from the room; he's way to scared by the idea of water ON him to sleep in the bath!

  16. It's all fun and games...'til someone gets wet. lol. Such a cute shot. :D



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