Monday, October 17, 2011

Frankfurt Book Fair 2011 Recap

The five days of the Frankfurt Book Fair are always a busy time for us, but this year seemed especially full to me.  Not only did we have our good friend Wes staying with us Wed-Sat, but we also met up with Lauren Oliver, Ka-Yam and Kathrin, scoped out the fair for Apocalypsies books, showered our foreign agent Hannah with German chocolate,  and even had a few business appointments.

This is the year I finally learned what international sales reps do when I met up with Kim from Usborne. She explained to me that her job is to sell copies of books in English - including my book LEVEL TWO - into foreign markets. She told me many territories prefer to buy books that are also being published in the local language, so it helps international sales of your book into a territory if translation rights have been sold into that territory.  Also at Usborne, I saw copies of Susanne Winnacker's THE OTHER LIFE (which I am currently reading) and a nice poster of it.

I also got to chat with a sub-rights agent at Penguin as part of an interview I'm doing for the SCBWI bulletin. Sub-rights agents present a publisher's list to foreign publishers hoping to sell rights in other territories.  If a US publisher holds World rights to a title, their sub-rights agents handle the foreign rights.  However, many times an author will only sell North American or US rights and his/her agency will handle foreign rights.  These books usually won't be at a publisher's stand in Frankfurt, even if they are lead titles in the US, and interested foreign publishers will be directed to contact the agency in question about acquiring rights.

Look what books I saw on Penguin's shelf! BORN WICKED by Jessica Spotswood and finished copies of LEGEND by Marie Lu.

Publishers will often put together rights guides or international highlights brochures in order to give an overview of what titles have sold in which territories already.  Here's the selection at Random House, including the Children's titles brochure with Lissa Price's STARTERS on the cover.

HarperCollins doesn't bring galleys of teen titles with them to the fair, but this year they had several electronic boards that displayed a revolving set of covers including upcoming titles like Elizabeth Norris' UNRAVELING.

Bloomsbury did have galleys and I was pleased to see three Apocalypsies (debut authors in 2012) represented: SCARLET by AC Gaughen, THE MAPMAKER AND THE GHOST by Sarvenaz Tash and BREAKING BEAUTIFUL by Jennifer Shaw Wolf.

SourceBooks had DARKER STILL Leanna Renee Hieber and CATCHING JORDAN by Miranda Kenneally front and center.

Kensington Teen featured a poster of A BREATH OF EYRE by Eve Marie Mont and LIVING VIOLET by Jamie Reed among others.

ABOVE by Leah Bobet was the big title at Scholastic, with a light box and galleys.

For the first time, Macmillan was giving away a stacks of galleys of four YA titles: SWITCHED by Amanda Hocking, TEMPEST by Julie Cross, AFTER THE SNOW by S.D. Crockett, and ALL THESE THINGS I'VE DONE by Gabrielle Zevin.

At Simon & Schuster, I happened to run into Ellen Hopkins who was in town to attend an awards ceremony. That was a lovely surprise!

I also walked around the German and foreign publisher halls, delighting each time I saw a foreign translation of a YA book. And guys - they were everywhere!


  1. I love looking at all those covers! Especially large enlarged poster versions. Trip to Frankfurt sounds amazing. I wish I could go one day too.

  2. Oh wow, Lenore, it sounds like you had an amazing time and were able to see and experience so much! Thanks for sharing all the photos with us and for giving us the scoop on the event! I wonder if I will ever get to Frankfurt!

  3. EEP, this is so exciting! Thanks for posting the pictures and telling us all about it!

  4. Thanks for sharing! Love it! So excited. :)

  5. How cool is this?? Thanks for the glimpse...

  6. Lenore, thank you so much for being our eyes there! Wow, this is so exciting.

  7. Oh, wow -- thank you, Lenore. I didn't actually know about some of this, and it just totally made my day!

    Thanks for the pictures, and the post! Whee!

  8. sounds like you had a great time! The bloomsbury ARCs look great - I see a couple I really want to read!

  9. Lenore,

    Thank you so much for posting pictures! This is awesome. I'd seen a draft of my cover but not the revised version! Frankfurt sounds amazing!

  10. I have to tell you that I'm amazed at how many English books are at the fair.

  11. It was so much fun with you all at the book fair. Thank you for introducing me to Tracy - she's sweet and so funny. I wish I could hug her right now and you, too. ..AND my male socks-twin Daniel. :D But where was I, when you saw Ellen Hopkins? :(((

  12. Lenore, thanks SO much for posting this!! It's such a thrill to see my little book all the way at a major book fair in Germany and I would never have even known without you! So cool!

  13. So exciting to see Catching Jordan! I loved that book!

  14. So exciting to see so many books by Apocalypsies! Very informative, too.

  15. Thank you so much for sharing, Lenore! Didn't even know my publisher was going to be there!

  16. Wow, girl, looks like you stayed busy! =) I also feel a lot more enlightened in this whole rights business.

    What the what with all the posters? I WANT SOME TO HANG ON MY WALLS.

  17. I didn't know there would be English titles. I couldn't go this year, but definitely next. It looks and sounds great.

  18. Would you say this Frankfurt Book Fair is like BEA?

    OMG all those pretties. I would have fainted.

  19. This is awesome - great photos Lenore! Sounds like such a great time!

  20. I'm so jealous! I love book shopping when I travel. This sounds like it was a great time.


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