Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Apocalypsies Love! Book Review: Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally

Apocalypsies Love is all about me telling you what I loved about a 2012 debut book written by one of the amazing Apocalypsies.  I also chat with the author to gain insight into their very favorite parts of their creation.

Today, I kick-off this feature with CATCHING JORDAN, a contemporary YA about a girl quarterback (Jordan Woods) who longs to play college ball, and doesn't want to let anything distract her from that goal - not even a chance for romance with the hot new boy quarterback in town. 

So what did I love about CATCHING JORDAN?  First of all, Jordan herself. She's a strong character, talented, aching for her famous football player father's affirmation, and very committed to her goals, her teammates, and her family.  There's a lot of inherent tension in a girl being the star quarterback of her high school team, but Kenneally raises the stakes with the possibly opposed goals of getting accepted to the Alabama NCAA team and letting loose a bit to pave the way for experiencing first love.

Relationships - between Jordan and hot new guy Ty, her brother, father, girls at school, teammates, and especially best friend (Sam) Henry - are well drawn and believable.  

And the football! I'm not a big football fan, but I know the basics.  This novel made me want to learn more.  It made me want to go back in time and put more effort into my 7th grade football unit. The camaraderie on the team was amazing and sounded like so much fun.  Jordan's a lucky girl to have such great friends. 

And the romance - did NOT see that coming. It was sweet and satisfying in the best possible way - and totally left me wanting more. (An aside: sensitive readers might want to note that there's mention of casual sex - this is a high school football team after all!). 

Now let's chat with Miranda!

What is your favorite scene in the book?
The scene where Jordan and Henry are forced to get "married' and "raise" an electronic baby for home ec class.

I loved that scene too - it shows the dynamics of the Jordan/Henry relationship so well! How about your favorite line in the book?

"Our first kiss explodes like mixing soda and pop rocks."

YES! That line stood out to me too, because it fits perfectly with Jordan's voice. What setting was most fun to write?

Probably "Joe's All-You-Can-Eat Pasta Shack." I loved how Jordan could never stop playing with the salt and pepper shakers.

It definitely made me very hungry for pasta! Who is your favorite supporting character - one you could see getting a spin-off book - and why?

I wouldn't mind writing a prequel about Jordan's older brother, Mike. You know, when he was in high school! Right now I am writing two companion novels to CATCHING JORDAN. Certain characters are in all three books.

That's awesome news! I'm excited to spend more time with these characters.  And I do want to know so much more about Mike. What has been your favorite part of your publishing journey so far?

Seeing my cover for the first time. Or maybe smelling my book for the first time. Is that weird? :)

Not weird at all. As long as it doesn't smell like a football player after a game ;)  Thanks Miranda! 


Intrigued by CATCHING JORDAN?  It comes out tomorrow in paperback.  Find out more about it at the author's website and add it to GoodReads.

In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that I once drank awesome malted chocolate cocktails with Miranda - and I fully hope to do so again.


  1. Normally I wouldn't read a book about football, but all the added elements make this one sound rather enticing and interesting, and I loved your little chat with the author as well. It makes me think that I need to take a chance on this one and see what I think. I bet it would be a great read to explore during a readathon! Thanks for the very persuasive review and interview today Lenore and Miranda!

  2. I love this book! I can't wait to read more books from Miranda. I think she has a great voice!

  3. I love the idea of a girl quarterback, how fun. Thanks for pointing this out Lenore!

  4. You got me with football and Alabama.

  5. I'm looking forward to the companions. Catching Jordan was a fabulous read!

  6. I love the premise and a great interview, too.

  7. Oh my god I absolutely adored this book!

    Xpresso Reads

  8. I need this book! Guess I'm heading to the bookstore today!

  9. Catching Jordon was a really fun book to read. Jordon's position as the high school quarterback is totally accepted by her teammates and coach and she has earned their respect through hard work and dedication. Of course, everything gets bumpy when Ty comes to town. Not only is he very good looking, but he's an excellent quarterback and seems to like Jordon as more than just a teammate. Ty's arrival is the catalyst that sets the rest of the book in motion. Jordon is forced to really confront her feelings about her Dad's lack of involvement in her football games, her relationship with her best friend, Sam, and her plans for college football.

  10. Great post, Lenore. I must read this!

  11. I love this book! Miranda do you think there will be a sequel to this book. Like Jordan and Henery in college


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