Friday, November 11, 2011

Book Review: Don't Expect Magic by Kathy McCullough

I had the pleasure of interviewing Kathy for the Apocalypsies website this week, so I thought I'd point you that way and say a bit more about the book as well.

When Delaney's mother dies, Delaney has to move across the country to live with her dad, a self-help guru who is also a fairy godmother/father. Delaney finds out the f.g. gene is hereditary and starts trying to help new classmate Flynn get what he wants - which turns out to be something much different than what she thinks it is.

My heart went out to Delaney. It's tough dealing with the death of your mother, a big move, and a new school.  And then on top of all that to discover a life-changing secret?  The girl definitely had reason to be standoffish at the outset.  But as the story progresses, and Delaney gets to know her father and her new classmates better, we start to see more of the sweet, gooey center hidden under her tart exterior (she's like a SweeTart!)

DON'T EXPECT MAGIC is primarily a character study, so don't expect magic to play a huge part when you read this (see - the title even warns you!).  But if you enjoy stories of transformation and inner growth as well as a good father/daughter relationship, you'll find this very satisfying read.

DON'T EXPECT MAGIC came out his week.  Find out more about it at the author's website.


  1. This sounds really good. Different from what I had imagined with the cover - but I still want to read it soon!

    Xpresso Reads

  2. I really enjoy character driven novels, and the fact that there is not a whole ton of magical happenings in this book doesn't really bother me all that much. This one sounds like it would be a really interesting read for the human aspects, and I am going to have to check it out. I loved the synopsis that you shared, and think it sounds like a great read. Wonderful review, Lenore!

  3. Character driven novels are my kryptonite, so I like that aspect of this one. Your review is the first I have heard of this book so I'm intrigued!

  4. I finished this one last night. It was delightful

  5. I'm not so sure about the fairy godfather/mother aspect, but other than that, the story sounds good to me.

  6. Why is the site called Apocalypsies?

    I realize that the definition of apocalypse is "revelation" (or veil lifting), and that the ending has been modified. But Apocalypse normally has a certain connotation of doom. After all "Zombie Apocalypse" sounds a lot more natural than "Bunny Rabbit Apocalypse".

  7. Sounds like an interesting concept, the fairy godparent thing with a very character driven story. I'll definitely give it a read.

  8. The cover looks cute. :D

  9. As a writer (or even a TV viewer) I'd rather see a character study any time, rather than guns, car chases, and fake romance.


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