Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (55)

After the paw holding last week, Kaia got even closer to Emmy and started to give her a bath.


  1. AHH! Too much loving and cuteness! It must be all the holiday goodness in the air because yesterday I saw my cats hiding in the closet and hugging each other. I considered the fact that maybe they just need a little privacy :)

  2. Sweet kitties! Love how Emmy is using the CDs as a pillow.

  3. Aww...and what a great spot...nice and toasty atop the heater and a wonderful view!

  4. I love when my kitties clean each other. I think it's so sweet!

  5. Ahaha look at Emmy's face! That totally needs to be captioned. =)

  6. You have the CUTEST cats EVER!!!! :D

  7. There is so much love between those cats! Does poor Lu ever get any love?

  8. That is so sweet and adorable :3


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