Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dystopian February is NEXT WEEK! Check out these badges ...

Who's excited for Dystopian February?!  I know I am.

Here's what's on tap:

15+ book reviews
More author preview interviews of upcoming books
Tons of giveaways
A book discussion with Michelle of Galleysmith every Thursday

and .... Zombie Chicken Merit Badges!!

Instead of doing ratings this time, I will be handing out merit badges in the following categories:

- romance (chemistry, swoonworthy love interest, etc)

- worldbuilding (logical, attention to detail, plausibility, etc)

- action (fast paced, heart pumping, can't put it down, etc)

- twists (surprising, original, etc)

- writing (atmosphere, flow, beautiful words, etc)

What do you think? Aren't they AWESOME?! Thanks Daniel :)


  1. Awesome merit badges! :D I love the twists one especially, haha!

  2. Gah! I love it! Way better than just a general rating. Way to go! :)

  3. Those badges rock! Way to go, Daniel!

  4. Looking forward to it. Great badges!

  5. These are fab are they for sale?

  6. OMG those badges are ADORABLE!!! i agree with Amy…they should totally be for sale :p

  7. I can't wait! Hopefully this will influence me to get up and start reviewing again, having been busy with school and all.

  8. Oh, I am so excited that this is coming up, and the badges are truly AWESOME! I can't wait for February!

  9. oh very fun! now you need to get some real ones made so author can wear them to signings! haha, can you imagine?! that would be fantastic!

  10. Those patches are AMAZING! I can't wait to read what you review! so excited!

  11. The merit badges are awesome! Can't wait for February to get here in just a few short days :)

  12. This is great! Love the badges. I can't wait to follow the action.

  13. oh, i seriously LOVE the badges, they look awesome. excited for feb <3

  14. To say I'm excited about Dystopian February is a complete understatement. I love love looove these dystopian months!
    And the badges look so cool!

  15. Those are such cute badges! :D I can't wait for Dystopian February!

  16. Love the badges! Great job, Daniel!

  17. I think the worldbuilding is my favorite zombie chicken, but they're all great.

  18. I'm a bit dystopied out at the moment, but I might participate just to be able to post one of these badges. They are great!

  19. Can't wait for February. LOVE the badges, took me back to Girl Scouts!

  20. I love the badges so I added the general one to my sidebar! See you throughout February. :)

  21. new folower
    stumbled upon
    sounds rockin

    roro @ roro is reading

  22. I am excited for Dystopian February!!

  23. love the badges. I just knew Daniel did them for you!

  24. I love these badges! Now I'm trying to figure out a way to make them for real...

  25. I know that I am like several days behind, but I am catching up on blog posts.

    AWESOME BADGES! :) I cannot wait to see them in play when you share your reviews!

  26. I'm late to the party (of course) but these are AWESOME.

    I can't wait for another month dedicated to dystopia :)


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