Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (61) - Special Fashion Cats Edition

A couple of years ago, a friend of ours dropped by and gave us some tear sheets from a German magazine featuring Takako Iwasa's FASHION CATS. We loved them so much, we pinned them up on Daniel's inspiration board. And then, a few months ago, we discovered Takako had done a whole book featuring her cats dressed up in seriously cute outfits. Obviously, we had to have it. (And if you have to have it too, check out the official FASHION CATS book website - it has a video).

The book not only has adorable pictures of her patient felines Prin and Kotaro posing in everything from wedding attire to holiday favorites to animal hats, but it also has some behind the scenes photos and one lonely DIY pattern for a cat choker. I demand a companion book so I can create the “Anne of Green Gables is Cleaning” hat and red yarn curls … 

As fate would have it, I did manage to find a reindeer hat on deep discount after Christmas at PetSmart. Emmy, as you see below, was none too pleased by her gift.


  1. The cat in the cleaning hat looks just like my freak show Casper, but I'm here to say that he would completely lose it if I tried to put something on his head. He would probably run away and never come back. I think Emmy has a future in super modeling...

  2. I think most cats would react like Emmy.

  3. It's funny that those cats in the pictures look so complacent about being all dressed up and having things on their heads, when like Sandy and Kathy mention, my cats would try to run away or bite me if I tried to put something on their heads. I guess it's all about the animals and their tolerance level, but I do wish that my cats would let me dress them up!

  4. This is equal parts alarming and AMAZING, Lenore.

  5. You say Anne of Green Gables, I say Antoine Dodson. That was the first thing that sprung to mind.

  6. Jen - The author says Anne, but you may be right, lol!

  7. Those cats always look too complacent. If they are not grumpy or running I fear something is wrong:(

  8. Most cats do not like anything on their head unless they put it there themselves such as a blanket. How cute.


  9. My library has two donated copies of this book - one in the kids room and one in the adult collection - it's pretty ridiculously cute.

  10. Those poor cats. They look like they were drugged or something! Cute though...

  11. The wigs kill me! :D Poor kitties.

  12. What those poor cats must endure!! LOL!!

  13. Yeah, I never really get why pet stores sell things like antlers for cats. I have never encountered one that would actually want to wear it...

  14. OMG! Too funny! I don't think Emmy is very happy with you!!!!

  15. Oh, she looks so offended! It reminds me of the looks the cat gives at the end of the "Cats and Dogs" movie (that my kids just love).


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