Saturday, February 25, 2012

Author Interview: Emma Pass previews Acid

For my spotlight on upcoming dystopian/post apocalyptic fiction series, I interview authors with novels coming out in the genre in 2012/13. These are exclusive first looks at exciting new works. Enjoy!

Today, Emma Pass introduces us to ACID, coming out with Random House Children’s Books in early 2013.

Here's the teaser summary: 

This action-packed novel introduces us to Jenna Strong, a truly kick-ass heroine who is serving time in an all-male prison for the murder of her parents. With the story set one hundred years in the future in a Big Brother style society, Britain is now under the control of ACID – a terrifying, all-seeing police force.

And the interview: 

Why do you think people are drawn to "dark" stories?
There’s so much scary stuff happening in the world for real that I’ve often found myself wondering ‘what if x or y did actually happen? What would I do?’ For me, dystopian fiction is a way of exploring these horrors, facing up to them and making sense of them in some way. There’s also a strong element of survival, and therefore hope, in stories like this, which makes me feel that even if the worst happens, things might just turn out okay in the end. I find them very inspiring!

If ACID had a theme song, what would it be and why?
Drop Zone by Michael Woods. Because ACID is so urban and futuristic, I’ve been listening to a lot of trance and electronica while I’ve been writing it, and this one is my favourite.

What fictional character from another book would your main character chose as his/her best friend and why?
I’m not sure. The things that Jenna has been through have made her into kind of a loner, so to be best friends with anyone she’d really have to trust them first. And even then, she’d probably find it hard to let them in.

What are your top 5 Dystopian lit recs and why?
Argh, I can only choose 5? Okay, then…

1) THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO by Patrick Ness. It’s so original. Every time I read it, I’m blown away by it.

2) DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth, and…

3) HOW I LIVE NOW by Meg Rosoff. I love both of these for their strong female leads.

4) NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR by George Orwell - the idea of a Big Brother-style society, where absolutely everything you do is watched and analysed, has been a huge inspiration for ACID. And last but not least…

5) TOMORROW, WHEN THE WAR BEGAN by John Marsden, the first in a series of books which were originally published back in the ‘90s, before YA or dystopian were hot genres. It tells the story of a group of teens in Australia who go on a camping trip, and while they’re away their country’s invaded. Almost the only free citizens left, they must go to war and fight for their people’s freedom. Marsden is a fantastic writer, and all the books are a master class in how to write suspense.

What's on the top of your to-do list before the world ends?
Hmm… I definitely need to tackle my TBR pile. At this moment, it’s 40+ books high, and it keeps growing! I also want to go to as many author and writing events as I can squeeze in. And finish writing the next book – I’d better not forget to do that!

How does your novel stand out from others in the genre?
Yikes, that’s a tricky question! I guess I’ll have to go with what sold it to my publisher in the first place – I live in the UK, so ACID is set in Britain. And as the summary says, Jenna, the protagonist, is truly kick-ass!

Thank you Emma!

Visit Emma's blog:

Follow Emma on Twitter:  @EmmaPass

Add ACID to Goodreads

Check out ACID’s Pinterest board: 


  1. THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO. OH MY. Emma, you're my my new favorite person. :DDD

    ACID looks super promising!

  2. Thank you so much for having me, Lenore! I really enjoyed answering the interview questions. This is a great feature!

    Agnieszka, thank you too! I really hope you'll enjoy it. (And yay for KNIFE!) :)

  3. Chaos Walking is an amazing series. ACID, too sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it!

  4. I love a kick-ass female protagonist!

  5. Wow, the synopsis sounds intense. Looking forward to hearing more about it in the future.

    Safari Poet

  6. This book sounds awesome! I already like that Jenna is such a strong character!

  7. This book sounds awesome! can't wait 4 the cover reveal

  8. Why are there so many great sounding dystopians/post-apocalyptic books coming out? My tbr is out-of control! Though I am definitely not complaining:) This sounds amazing and yay for being set in the UK!

  9. Sounds thrilling! Can't wait to read it :-)

  10. The evolution of Emma into a YA novelist is so fascinating. It could be made into a film. As a novelist of Adult Literary Fiction and one as yet half written YA novel, I feel tempted to make this project come to life.
    Lakshmi Raj Sharma


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