Thursday, February 23, 2012

Author Interview: Lydia Y Kang previews The Fountain

For my spotlight on upcoming dystopian/post apocalyptic fiction series, I interview authors with novels coming out in the genre in 2012/13. These are exclusive first looks at exciting new works. Enjoy!

Welcome to Lydia Y. Kang, here today to preview her debut THE FOUNTAIN (the title is most likely  going to change) which will be released in Summer 2013 from Dial Books for Young Readers (Penguin).

Here is the summary:
17 year-old Zelia has a fatal flaw, and it’s not being a lab geek or dressing like a small troll. If she forgets to breathe, she’ll die.

Zelia has suffered from Ondine’s Curse since birth, a malady that makes every breath a conscious effort. Yet after she and her younger sister Dyl are orphaned, it’s not Zelia’s misfit status that causes trouble. It’s her sister. Dyl isn’t just pretty and sweet—she’s illegal.
In the year 2150, DNA must be pure by law, and anyone with enhanced genes face death. Before an underground foster family can offer the sisters sanctuary, Dyl is abducted by people determined to profit from her trait, whether she’s alive, dismembered, or dead.

Zelia's only allies are the freak-show inhabitants of her new foster home. Along with the unexpected love of a very strange boy, she will need her flaws, their illicit traits, and every single breath to save the only family she has left.

And the interview:

Why do you think people are drawn to "dark" stories?
I think everyone wants to believe in happy endings. Seeing a character suffer and go through unbelievable odds ignites a very primal instinct of survival. And because people are by nature empathetic, we desperately want to see those characters succeed.

If THE FOUNTAIN had a theme song, what would it be and why?
Waiting for the End, by Linkin Park. I listened to it endlessly during the writing of this book. There are so many lines in this song that perfectly match what Zelia, my MC, is going through.

What fictional character from another book would your main character chose as his/her best friend and why?
Wow, you ask hard questions! Ok, hold on...
June, from Marie Lu's Legend. Zelia and June are both brilliant women and I think they would just "get" each other without trying.

What are your top 5 Dystopian lit recs and why?
Being a reader and a writer, it's hard to get lost in books now. If anything pull me out of a book because of pacing, or poor editing, or whatever, I notice. So if I can be totally lost, I'm thrilled. Here are some that have done if for me.

Legend, by Marie Lu.
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins.
Shipbreaker, by Paolo Bacigalupi
Wither, by Lauren DeStefano

I know that's only four, but technically the trilogy is three so...

What's on the top of your to-do list before the world ends?
Hmm. Live until I'm 100? Just kidding. Not really.
Travel like crazy. I want to see the Galapagos and New Zealand and Hobbit holes and so many places. I want to hang out in a Paris cafe and do absolutely nothing for a day. Basically, I want to see a lot more beautiful things and fill my memory banks until they overflow.

How does your novel stand out from others in the genre?
Many of the characters in my book have mutations, but they're not superheroes. They are not the X-men. Sure, they're crazy weird and fun, but having a background in science and medicine, I had to have fantastical elements that made sense to me. Some of the spoilers will be so cool for those who have any biology or genetic classes under their belt. But I also made it super accessible to those who are afraid of the science stuff. Basically, it's for everyone.

And who doesn't love a good romance, on top of all that?

Thanks Lydia!

Visit Lydia's blog, The Word Is My Oyster
Follow her on Twitter @LydiaYKang
Add THE FOUNTAIN on Goodreads
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  1. Hobbit holes and Linkin Park - you are so cool, Lydia!

  2. The Fountain has such an interesting concept. Summer 2013? That feels like light years away right now. Thank you for the insight :-)

    Safari Poet

  3. I really like the sound of this one!

  4. Awesome interview. Knowing Lydia's background in medicine, I'm sure it makes her story really unique. I can't wait to read it. Wish summer of 2013 wasn't so far away.

  5. This story sounds heart-wrenching...cant wait. thanks for the interview.

  6. Oh, I'm super intrigued. The book sounds really cool. I hear you on having trouble getting lost in a book! I've read The Hunger Games, but not the others you mentioned. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I hadn't heard the concept before, but it sounds like one of those books I won't be able to put down! Can't wait!

  8. Great interview and questions. Sounds so unique, Lydia...can't wait to read it!

  9. What a fantastic premise. I can't wait to read this book.

  10. Your characters sound interesting. I'm a Linkin Park fan myself :)


  11. The description of your book sounds so good, Lydia! (And very original!)

    Can't wait for The Fountain!

    Thanks Lenore!


  12. Read and loved two of the dystopians you mentioned; I'll have to check out the other two! I'd love to see the hobbit holes in NZ.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  13. Sound intriguing! X-men but not X-men, and DNA enhancement being illegal - I'll definitely keep my eye on this release. :)

    Great interview!

  14. Great Interview! The book sounds right up my street.

  15. Hi Presenting Lenore, Hi Lydia! Yay!! I finally get to know what Lydia's book is going to be all about! It sounds fabulous!! Good luck Lydia! Take care

  16. I can't believe I'll have to wait til next year to read this book! It sounds so intriguing!

  17. Enjoyed the interview, thanks so much! It's good to learn more about Lydia and her book. :)

  18. Can't wait for the book!
    OH and now I'm totally thinking about Paris and a day where I do absolutely nothing.
    Great interview!

  19. GAH! Lydia!! We BOTH associate "Waiting for the End" by Linkin' Park with our novels. *brainwave share*

  20. This does sound like it has an incredibly interesting premise, and I love the sound of it. It's a long wait, but I will be looking for it when it hits the shelves!

  21. Lovely interview!!!! Congrats, Lydia and thanks for sharing deets about THE FOUNTAIN!

  22. Fantastic interview!

    Lydia, your books sounds so incredibly uber-cool. I love reading about genetics and dystopia.

    Your taste in music and books is similar to mine.

    Thanks for hosting Lenore!

  23. A book with GOOD biology and genetics info? Bring it on!

  24. Thanks Lenore for having me! This was a fun interview!

  25. Great interview! :)

    It sounds like an amazing book.

  26. Super interview! I can't wait until Lydia's book is released!

  27. Hobbit holes are highly overrated as vacation spots. Cramped, and tend to smell like feet and ale. Great interview, lady!

  28. cant wait. thanks for the interview.

  29. Yay Lydia! I'm so, so excited for THE FOUNTAIN. It sounds absolutely amazing. :)


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