Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Book Review and Pre-order Giveaway (International): This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers

Sloane and her older sister have always said they’ll escape their abusive home together, but when her sister leaves without her, Sloane decides she wants to die. Then a zombie virus breaks out and only by fighting for her life does Sloane discover she might actually want to live.

THIS IS NOT A TEST is far from your typical action-driven zombie novel. The way it focuses on the complex personal relationships of its characters reminded more of THE WALKING DEAD than DAWN OF THE DEAD. Sloane has the most dramatic character arc – some of her moments of personal growth made me weepy-eyed – but all the main characters are fleshed out and fully human by the end.

I don’t want to say a lot, because I think it’s more powerful if you go in knowing as little as possible. But know this: I make it my mission to read everything Courtney writes. Her style is to strip-down to the emotional truths of life and I love that kind of honesty in fiction.

THIS IS NOT A TEST doesn’t come out until June 2012, and I don’t have an ARC I can offer, but because Kelly J of STACKED blog offered to donate a pre-order, I decided to match her offer and thus can give away (2) preorders to anywhere The Book Depository ships. Just fill out this form by March 6, 2012 at 11:59 pm CST for your chance to win.

Find out more about the book at the author’s website.

See index of all dystopian reviews on Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure: I read a copy of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley.


  1. This sounds like something different. Zombie book, but with more of focus on a character.

    And it might be just a sign for me to enter giveaway - I dreamt all night about apocalypse. Whoops. ;)

  2. Sounds interesting, I like that it's more focused on the character's relationships and personal growth than the zombies. I wonder if Sloane's older sister became a zombie...

  3. Great story!!! Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. Thank you so much for the amazing review and giveaway, ladies! I love all of Courtney's books and can't wait to read this one.


  5. Thanks for this giveaway! I've been seeing such amazing reviews for this book!

  6. This it THE BOOK I am looking forward to most in 2012. I love Courtney's book,s and I have a feeling this one will be the best one yet!

  7. aaah! this sounds promising! i would really love to have a copy of this! :D

  8. I love zombie books, and am planning on reading this one at some point. It sounds amazing, and completely involving.

  9. I love zombies, and the cover i really beautiful. Hope it's as good as it sounds :)

  10. I really liked how you mentioned how it would be best to go into this book knowing as little as possible-- I'm gonna do that now, xD I feel sometimes the best reading experiences start out that way. thanks for the review and giveaway! :)

  11. this book looks so intriguing, and that cover is awesome:) Thanks for the non-spoilery review and the giveaway opportunity:)

  12. I am so looking forward to this book! I've heard a lot about it over the past few months. I hope it lives up to the hype. And thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  13. I am not sick of zombies like I am of some of the other paranormal trends...

  14. I so love Summers' writing, and I can't wait to see what she does with zombies!

  15. This sounds so different from the rest of Courtney's books. I'm sure she did a great job with it tough. She's got mad talent.

  16. Wow! This book sounds amazing! I'm looking forward to read about all the intense moments in it.
    And thanks a lot for the International giveaway!

  17. Everything Courtney writes stabs me in the heart. She twists, TWISTS with her writing, I tell you!!! I've got this one on deck! Have I used enough exclamation points yet?!

  18. Great story!!! Thank you for the giveaway!

  19. Your comparison of This is Not Test to the Walking Dead = me sold on reading the book ASAP.

  20. I don't normally read zombie novels, but this sounds amazing. I'm looking forward to reading it!

  21. You are SO right about Courtney Summers. She is one underrated writer. Way underrated! Doesn't hurt that she's nice and actually responds to her readers, too!

    Anyway, hi!! Congratulations on Level 2! Found you through FYA and now I'm bookmarking this blog :p


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