Friday, February 10, 2012

Giveaway: Simon & Schuster Dystopian Prize Packs

Hey all - I have something super special today: Prize packs for (5) winners that each include 4 dystopian novels and a Dunkin Donuts gift card (because, you know, you need sugar to balance out the darkness).

You'll get:
BLOOD RED ROAD by Moira Young (paperback) (see my review)
DARK INSIDE by Jeyn Roberts (hardcover) (see my review)
POSSESSION by Elana Johnson (hardcover) (see my review)
WITHER by Lauren DeStefano (hardover/signed) (see my review)
$10 Dunkin Donuts gift card

To enter, fill out this form by Feb 17, 2012 at 11:59 pm CST. Prize packs donated and shipped by the publisher. US and Canada only. 


  1. Holy Smokes! What an awesome giveaway! THANK YOU!!

  2. Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway! Great books here:)

  3. What an awesome prize! Thanks for the chance to win. I love dystopian. I'm currently reading Article 5, which is great.

  4. The prize books look very readable. Thanks for hosting this giveaway - of course I entered. :)

  5. A bookish prize pack that includes donuts?!? I am in heaven right now.

  6. Wow, I almost entered by default and then realized that I already own all of these. I feel like giving my collection a high five!

  7. I think I just *drooled* all over my keyboard lol

    Thank you for such an awesome giveaway - am crossing my fingers for good luck :D

  8. Wow, what an amazing giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  9. Awesome giveaway!!! Great books and food. America does run on Dunkin!

  10. This is quite possibly the best combination of prizes ever! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  11. Oh my WORD, this site is SWIMMING in giveaways. Excellent giveaways. I have no idea why I wasn't following before, other than laziness.

  12. Wonderful giveaway! Who wouldn't want this? It's amazing. Thanks


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