Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Best Books You Aren't Reading Book Club - Join Us!

Kelly J (of STACKED) and I were talking about books we have read and liked recently, as well as books we'd love to reread and experience again. Then we got to discussing books that have fallen into these categories that haven't seen enough discussion and haven't been shown enough attention.

That's when we thought: why not start a book club of sorts?

"The Best Books You're Not Reading" is a very informal book discussion she and I will be spearheading, and we hope you will join us.

All you have to do is read the book and join us on Twitter for the discussion. If you can't join us there (or even if you can), we also encourage you to blog about the book and share your thoughts. Our goal is to get these titles a little more exposure and have a broader discussion of those books that haven't received the attention we think they should.

Three weeks from today -- March 29 -- we will have our first discussion on Twitter starting at 6 pm EST, and we'll be chatting about this book:

Pick up a copy at your library or purchase a copy and join us for what should be a really fun discussion about one of our favorite under-appreciated titles. We'll use the hashtag #MBTH to get the discussion started.

PS - I have two more #dystopianfeb posts coming up - so look for those!


  1. Oooh, I really want to do this if I can find the time!

  2. Sounds like a great idea. Sorry but I'm not on twitter yet.

  3. Oh, this sounds fun! I'll have to pick up a copy. And you're right - this is definitely a book I'm not (yet) reading. The cover reminds me of a bad WeHeartIt image! Now I'm excited to see what you've both found to be so special about it :)

  4. hm, I am not sure if I would like this book or not. I will have to think about it! It is a fun idea, though. :)

  5. I would love to read this one and participate. I need to see if I can grab it from the library. Great idea, Lenore!

  6. Would love to join in on this one -- my library even has a copy of it! *crosses fingers*


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