Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (64) - New Bookshelves Edition!

The bookshelves in our home office finally exploded to the point we decided to get a new bookshelf to put in our guest/living room.  I plan to fill it slowly. 

The cats were very helpful while we built the shelf.

And they were helpful while we were shelving books.

Here's the finished product - can you spot the cat here too?

Right now, it houses most of my YA hardcovers, a few new adult hardcovers, some art books and some picture books. The shelf with the glass doors is meant to display OUR books. You can already see some copies of Daniel's Buffalo books in there.


  1. Very nice! I think you're going to need more shelves to hold the books you write.

  2. Love your helpers!! Actually I like those shelves and their efficient use of the corner. I wonder how long before you have no more empty spaces.

  3. So cute! I have two cats who are always trying to get onto the book shelves and sniffing the books. Must be something to the way they smell.

  4. Hee hee. They are SO your cats Lenore! Such good little helpers.

  5. It's not a book shelf, it's a kitty shelf!

    I happen to love these shelves, and would have no trouble filling them! They look great, and you guys did a nice job putting them all together, with the help of the kitties :)

  6. they look so cute. wish i would have them around.

  7. Those bookshelves are so gorgeous! I'm super jealous. And the cats, omg, so cute as always.

  8. Lenore love your site, was given your link on yahoo answers, I have several sites and am building another with links to free ebooks, so I am incerting yours therein! Why have you not went and reviewed the Historian Guardian of the Future, a short story self published and edited by the female author { due to funds I understand } and is veru exciting! Her site built around her sales is http://thehistorianguardianbookstore.blogspot.com/ it is nice to see a very accomplished writer blogging... Respect

  9. They seem to have made themselves very at home on the new shelves!! Good luck not filling them up too quickly!


  10. Ah, your wee furbabies are adorable!!! My two are very helpful like that, also lol

    AND those bookshelves rock :D

  11. I wish my hubby liked cats in the house...I would have at least 2...love the pictures!

  12. haha, cute! Casey sleeps on my bookshelves all the time. It makes me nervous about anything but books on there because I keep finding her on higher shelves... At least you find your helpers entertaining. When Casey helps she tends to annoy the guy. :)

  13. My cats always try to help put things together, too. Love the new shelves! Wish we had a free corner to put something similar.

  14. Your cats are more beautiful than your bookshelves, i love the cats, your cats are using boosshelvesbookshelves

  15. love those bookshelves (and the kittehs!) where did you get the shelves?

  16. Those bookshelves are gorgeous! I'm sure the cats were nothing but helpful too :)


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