Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Level 2 Cover Reveal Week: Day 1

The wait is finally (almost) over! Since LEVEL 2 will be making its first public appearance next week at Book Expo America, it's time to unveil its stunning cover  ... on Friday, June 1st at noon EST.

I know I promised you I'd reveal it today, but it turns out Simon & Schuster has produced a video that not only takes an exclusive behind the scenes look at the cover shoot, but also reveals the cover at the end.  How's that for cool?

But I do get to reveal a sneak peek of the cover today as well as the official flap copy so you can finally get a better idea of what it's about.  What you're seeing here are elements from the back cover as well as the type. What do you think?

Since her untimely death the day before her eighteenth birthday, Felicia Ward has been trapped in Level 2, a stark white afterlife located between our world and the next. Along with her fellow prisoners, Felicia passes the endless hours downloading memories and mourning what she’s lost—family, friends, and the boy she loved, Neil.

Then a girl in a neighboring chamber disappears, and nobody but Felicia seems to recall she existed in the first place. Something is obviously very wrong. When Julian—a dangerously charming guy Felicia knew in life—comes to offer Felicia a way out, she learns the truth: a rebellion is brewing to overthrow the Morati, the guardians of Level 2.

Felicia is reluctant to trust Julian, but then he promises what she wants the most—to be with Neil again—if only she’ll join the rebels. Suspended between Heaven and Earth, Felicia finds herself in the center of an age-old struggle between good and evil. As memories from her life come back to haunt her, and as the Morati hunt her down, Felicia will discover it’s not just her own redemption at stake… but the salvation of all mankind.
LEVEL 2 is the first book in The Memory Chronicles and will be released by Simon & Schuster BFYR on January 15, 2013. 

Come back tomorrow for the first ever giveaway of (3) ARCs of LEVEL 2!

Then come back Thursday for an interview with cover designer Lizzy Bromley (she of WITHER and FEVER by Lauren DeStefano cover fame).

And of course Friday is the big reveal!  Can't wait until you can finally see it in all its kick-ass glory.

In the meantime, why not add LEVEL 2 to your Goodreads if you haven't already?


  1. Wow - what a great, original way to reveal the cover! Kudos for you and the publisher for holding back and giving us all this added fun. I think the book sounds great too, BTW :)

  2. aw this is great Lenore! I can't believe it's all becoming reality. I am sorry to miss your book's debut at BEA--it's the first BEA thing I've felt legitimately sad about. :)

  3. I am so excited over the synopsis! I've been very interested in LEVEL 2 for some time now. Can't wait for the cover!

  4. I'm excited! So far it seems classy and simple. Let's see what happens... :D

  5. EXCITING! I wish I was going to be at BEA this year to see it unveiled in person.

  6. That's fantastic! I really like the synopsis and can't wait to see the cover!

  7. Sounds great - looking forward to seeing the cover.

  8. I'm liking what I see already. Looking forward to the reveal. Already added on Goodreads :-)

    Safari Poet

  9. I like that the title looks like it's made of neon.

  10. YAY! I cannot wait, I have been looking forward to reading this so hopefully the cover reveal will hold me over until the release! Congrats!

  11. LOVE WITHER'S covers... Congrats, Lenore!

  12. So excited to see the cover art, Lenore! And wow, I love that synopsis! :)

  13. I really want one at BEA... REALLY! :)

  14. GAH!!! I cannot stand this! I am so proud of you I'm about to explode.

  15. Oh the suspense! Can't wait to see the design! Hope to cross paths with you at BEA!

  16. Thank you everyone! I'm thrilled by your enthusiasm here and on twitter :) Can't wait for Friday!

  17. How exciting! Can't wait to see it- a whole week of cover reveal fun!

  18. Very exciting! Can't wait to see the cover.

  19. How exciting! I'll be waiting eagerly :)

  20. I'm so excited and can't wait to see the cover! How long have I been saying that? LOL!

  21. Finally! I'm liking the font and the color so far. And Lizzy Bromley? Can't wait for Friday!

  22. I'm so excited for you!! Congrats! Hope to see you at BEA!!

  23. Oooh that is so absolutely exciting! I guess we can wait two more days for your cover! :) I'm sure it will be great. I also really, really love the synopsis.
    Oh, how I wish I could go to BEA!

  24. If the back cover is this beautiful, I can't WAIT to see what the front cover is like! And I love the synopsis!

  25. So excited!! It sounds like a book I am going to love!

  26. I'm super excited to see the full cover! I'm sad, too, though! I was expecting to go to BEA next week and meet you and snag one and stuff happened in my life and now I can't go meet you. *cries* Maybe at another one or a signing (Come back this way...maybe even slightly closer/Philly-ish? ^.~)


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