Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (66)

I adore this photo of Kaia making herself very at home on our new sofa cover ...


  1. Of course, because a new sofa cover always needs a good coat of kitty fur to "break it in". :P

  2. She looks like she is having the time of her life getting comfortable!

  3. Great photo! Boy is she happy there - cayts are very good at making themselves comfortable! Is her tongue sticking out?

  4. That's why they call it ...
    *fur-niture* lol

    <3 what a beautiful kitty!!

  5. Nice belly there...but I must say my Larry gives her a run for the money...if I can ever get a picture of it...

  6. Goodness but your lovely kitty looks an awful lot like my pit bull. ;O)

  7. she is just too frickin' cute!

  8. She's hilarious and is striking a pose that my two dogs use quite often!


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