Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (68)

More cat hijinks ... Kaia and Lu take over our dirty clothes hamper.


  1. So cute! I love when I catch my cats sleeping in unexpected places.

  2. But it's comfy! And smells like mommy!

  3. My Chaucer LOVES the dirty laundry hamper.

  4. I think my Larry is just lazy...he never does any of these cute things.
    well cute if it is at someone else house.

  5. Kitties lounging among the socks. That's awesome.

  6. My head's about to explode from *cute-overload* lol

    <3 <3 <3
    Your furbabies are BEAUTIFUL :)

  7. See, this I wouldn't mind. Sleeping on the clean clothes, though, is what Casey seems to prefer...


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