Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (69)

Today, Lu pulled my skirt off our clothes drying rack to use as a bed (as if the five cashmere sweaters he's stolen from Daniel aren't enough).  Thanks Lu.

Also - there will be no Cat Tuesday next week - but it's for a very good reason.  I finally get to reveal my cover for LEVEL 2!


  1. I can tell who's in charge there. I can't wait to see your cover!!

  2. D'awww. Bummer for you, but cute picture. That's awesome about your cover though. Can't wait to see it!!


  3. When she's as beautiful and cute as that it's hard to get mad, right? But anyone who thinks only dogs still their owner's clothes needs to meet Lu and a couple I have over here!

    Great news about your cover! Congratulations!

  4. Lu will not be denied her proper bedding! And I will anxiously await the big reveal!

  5. Lu will not be denied her proper bedding! And I will anxiously await the big reveal!

  6. So cute! I can't wait to see the cover! :)

  7. lol I was going to buy a drying rack, but I kind of figured that would happen if I did...

  8. She is like a little princess, all wrapped up in your clothes!

    I can't wait to see the cover, Lenore!

  9. I love how the part of the drying rack is still attached, lol.

  10. Lu is definitely showing you who's the boss! In an adorable manner! :)

  11. So excited to see your cover!!

  12. Awww Lu, so frickin' cute! Can't wait to see the cover!!!! I'm so excited for you!


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