Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (71)

Lu has a thing for plastic bags ...

He really does.


  1. How floofy and adorable! My kitties will jump in bags, boxes, suitcases, coolers - anything without a top, basically. I made a cat house out of cardboard boxes one idle day and drew on the outside. It was amusing seeing them sleeping inside with a tail sticking out the entry.

    In short (not really short) I love kitties. <3

  2. Haha, that's so cute! Our cat has a phobia of plastic bag. He won't even stand in the same room.

  3. He's so beautiful! My Cairo prefers chewing on plastic bags rather than sitting in them... (She also chews on other plastic things such as the shower curtain!)

  4. My cat is so dull.
    I am going I trade him in for a cat that does something funny.

    Ok, not really.
    I think I and a dull cat get along better. :-)

  5. My kitty Reese does that too. If there's a bag lying around that she can fit in, she'll be in it.

  6. Abby loves plastic bags too! She even licks the toilet paper plastic that we have in the bathroom. Cats are definitely strange!


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