Monday, July 23, 2012

Apocalypsies Love! Book Review: Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Apocalypsies Love is all about me telling you what I loved about a 2012 debut book written by one of the amazing Apocalypsies. I also chat with the author to gain insight into their very favorite parts of their creation.

Today I'm featuring PUSHING THE LIMITS, a contemporary YA romance about two broken souls maybe finding love with each other.

The first thing you should know about PTL is that it is smoking hot! Noah is that type of bad boy that just needs the right girl to make him go good. Is Echo that girl?  Both of our leads have big problems - Echo nearly died after being left alone with her bipolar mother. Noah is in a foster home after his parents' death and longs to get custody of his younger brothers. 

Being seen with Noah is not good for Echo's shaky social standing. Noah's waster friends don't trust Echo. But when they get together, they sizzle. No denying that kind of chemistry. As Echo herself says: "Luke used to give me butterflies. Noah spawned mutant pterodactyls."

What else should you know? There are tons of elements here that I love in my book romances: the slow burn, the plotting together, the baring of secrets, the snappy banter, and the deep emotional connection. I'm actually kinda dying to know what happens next with these two ...

And now it's time to chat with the book's author. Welcome Katie!

What is your favorite scene in the book?

My favorite scene in the book is when Noah finds Echo at her brother’s gravesite. He has an internal about scar tissue and that is my favorite internal dialogue in the book.

What is your favorite line in the book?

Oh, I have so many. One of my top favorites is the opening line: My father is a control freak, I hate my stepmother, my brother is dead, and my mother has…well…issues. How do you think I’m doing?

What setting was most fun to write?

The pool hall scene between Echo and Noah. I loved writing their banter, I adored the growing sexual tension between the characters, and I was thrilled to push Echo and Noah into trusting each other—even if it was for a little bit.

Who is your favorite supporting character - one you could see getting a spin-off book - and why?

Beth is definitely one of my favorite supporting characters. The companion novel to Pushing the Limits, Dare You To, is scheduled to be released sometime in 2013. Dare You To will follow Beth’s story.

The moment I saw Beth bloodied in her aunt’s kitchen, I knew Beth’s story needed to be told. She’s a hard character, but she’s a vulnerable character and she has lots of secrets.

What has been your favorite part of your publishing journey so far?

My favorite part hands down has been meeting the wonderful people who work at Harlequin. They have been amazingly supportive and friendly throughout the entire process.

Thanks Katie!


PUSHING THE LIMITS will be released in hardcover on July 31. Find out more about it at the author's website.

FTC disclosure: I got a signed copy at BEA 2012.


  1. Oh this one does look good! And Noah sounds like a dream. Thanks for sharing this one.

  2. I just read the first chapter of this one last night and I'm loving it so far. I really like Echo's voice!

  3. This is one of my favorite books this year!

  4. I loved the snippet of Beth's story that we got at the end of Pushing the Limits-very tantalizing!

  5. Oh sweet, another one I want to read. Sleeping is looking more and more unnecessary...

  6. I just got this book for review. I'm reading it right after I finish Level 2. ;)

    Hey, that rhymed :)

  7. This does sound like a hot romance between an unlikely duo, and the author's interview really makes me want to read this one when I can. I bet that it would make for a great and different kind of beach read for the summer. Very nice post today!

  8. I do love that opening line too! LOL I am really looking forward to Beth's story. Thanks for the interview! :)

  9. I loved loved loved this book :D I got lucky and received an e-ARC from Netgalley. As soon as I was done, I pre-ordered a copy...I got so attached to the characters (Noah´s little brothers are so adorable!) and it was a hot hot hot romance :P


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