Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (74)

Oh, it is Wednesday already?! The problem with working from home is that I often forget what day of the week it is ...

And it doesn't matter to the cats. They like to be spoiled every single day.


  1. That cat looks like it's enjoying that tummy rub!

  2. Out of my six cats, only one will allow belly rubbing. The others are sensitive about their ever-expanding middle sections.

  3. My kitty Bill loves a belly rub too, and since he was once a fat boy, he has a little stomach pouch that sticks out. He is the most loving of the cats, and will let me cuddle with him for hours. Not shy, that one.

  4. I've been waiting for your Tuesday kitteh post! LOL! Could look at pics of your kittehs EVERY day!

  5. Cat stretches look so luxurious. Especially your kitties with their beautiful creamy fur.

  6. This feature is just too awesome :) Adorable!

  7. Haha that's hilarious, thanks for sharing :)! I just found your blog and will def be following it from now on! I recently added some summer reading lists to my new blog if you want to take a look:
    Thanks again!


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