Monday, August 13, 2012

Apocalypsies Love Book Review + Giveaway: Shadows Cast By Stars by Catherine Knutsson

Two hundred years from now, aboriginal peoples are hunted for their blood that contains antibodies to a world-wide epidemic. When Cassandra's family is threatened, they flee to an island protected by the spirit world and Cassandra trains to become a medicine woman. 

What I loved most about SHADOWS CAST BY STARS was the atmosphere. The writing is so lovely and paints a wonderful picture of this mystical time and place where Cassandra comes into her own against all odds. The relationships are well drawn as well - especially between Cassandra and her brother, father, and mentor.  I also have a soft spot for Bran - the love interest who has to learn to take a back seat to Cassandra's BAMF tendencies.

Although the novel has a dystopian premise, the blood as a cure idea is more of a jumping off point to explore the aboriginal experience.  There are some threats from the outside due to the world's need for a cure, but most of the action comes from confrontations with the spirit world. I definitely wasn't expecting such a focus coming into this, but I enjoyed the detour!

Since Catherine is one of the Apocalypsies, I have her here to talk about the favorite parts of her novel!

What is your favorite scene in the book?
I have a few, but there's one scene in Chapter Ten that I particularly love. In that scene, Cassandra is sitting around a fire with her brother and father. Her brother first asks her father, and then, Cassandra, to tell him a story. Cassandra can't, but she does think about what stories mean and how they've shaped her life. That's the scene I've read at the presentations I've done, because it really speaks to my heart.

What is your favorite line in the book?
I have a few, but one that always makes my breath catch is "Dawn rises like a gray dove." That line gets me every time I read it!

What setting was most fun to write?
Well, most of the book is set on a fictionalized Vancouver Island. I've lived on Vancouver Island almost all of my life, and have a deep love for its beautiful, wild places that are disappearing at an astonishing rate. So, it wasn't so much "fun" to write the setting as a real joy to explore the rich language of my corner of the world and share it through this story.

Who is your favorite supporting character - one you could see getting a spin-off book - and why?
Cassandra's brother, Paul, definitely. He's mysterious, and troubled, and moody, and has many stories to tell, I think! Dark stories, but those are my favorite kind of stories!

What has been your favorite part of your publishing journey so far?
Without a doubt, it was receiving my first fan email from a real, live teenager. That's who I was writing for, and to know Cassandra's story spoke to her was really, really wonderful.

Thanks Catherine!

SHADOWS CAST BY STARS is available now and thanks to Simon & Schuster, I have 5 finished copies give away. To enter, fill out this form by August 24, 2012 at 11:59 pm CST. Open internationally.

Visit the author's website for more information.

See index of all dystopian reviews at Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure: ARC as part of the Apocalypsies ARC exchange


  1. Ooh, cool cover. I don't want to enter the giveaway, though, if it means you end up paying for the shipping.

  2. The cover is gorgeous. <3 And this book sounds so awesome :D Cannot wait to read it ;) Thank you for sharing. <3 and for the giveaway. :)

  3. This sounds a bit different and I like the cover. I will have to check it out!

  4. Awe...That must be so great to receive fan mail from someone who really enjoys your book.

  5. Great story, thank you for the giveaway!

  6. I have been dying to read this. Thanks for this great giveaway, Lenore!


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