Friday, August 31, 2012

Book Review + Giveaway: Surrender by Elana Johnson

SURRENDER is the sequel to POSSESSION (read my review). A few minor spoilers for POSSESSION follow, so skip down to the giveaway if that bothers you.

As the director's daughter, Raine has experience in towing the line, so when Gunnar, an especially talented citizen (he's a technopath, empath and can compel people with his voice) is called in to train with her father, Raine recruits him for the Insiders (a group of rebels).

Jag and Vi's romance in POSSESSION came on super-fast and strained believability at times.  Raine's relationship with Gunnar develops more slowly and organically.  We get alternating chapters from both POVs, so it's clear early on that they have crushes on each other, but they don't get together instantly. A main theme of both books is choice, and both Raine and Gunnar are promised to others (Cannon and Starr respectively), so their love is absolutely forbidden. Still, we want to believe that love can conquer all don't we?

Everyone in this society seems to be playing both sides, so just when you think you might have a handle on what's going down, things change. Never a dull moment in this high stakes society!

SURRENDER is available in hardcover now. Find out more about it at the author's website. I have 5 prize packs to give away that include the paperback of POSSESSION (which you do want to read first) and the SURRENDER hardcover. To enter, fill out this form by Sept 9th at 11:59 pm CST. US and Canada only.

See index of all dystopian reviews at Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure: Bought


  1. I loved Surrender. Loved Raine and Gunner and thee plot. I'm not entering the contest because I have both of Elana's fabulous books.

  2. Wow! This is so generous of u!! Thank u so much!

  3. Wow! This is so generous of u!! Thank u so much!

  4. This is awesome, I am so excited! Thanks for having this, you're awesome, simply for introducing me to new books =]

  5. Hi there, I found you on kidlitosphere, and just wanted to let you know...
    The merit badges alone make you completely follow-worthy! :D I think that is SO AWESOME!

  6. I haven't read Possession yet, but I am super dystopian crazy, so maybe soon... and if I get lucky enough to win one of the prize packs, very very soon! Since I haven't read Book 1, your review was mostly Greek to me - all the more reason to read it I guess!


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