Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Book Review + International Giveaway: The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse

Orphan Alenna Shawcross has never really felt at home in the UNA, but she still never expected to be sent to the Wheel – an island prison for kids who don’t pass the government’s personality test.

Life expectancy on the Wheel is short, but Alenna is rescued by a warrior girl named Gadya who takes her to the island’s only autonomous colony  (every other part of the island is controlled by the mysterious Monk, worshipped as a God by his large army of drones). In the colony, Alenna meets Liam and joins up with a group of hunters who are on a mission to find the truth at the heart of the island.

FORSAKEN gets the Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for action because the pages teem with well-executed fight scenes. There’s a palpable sense of danger – and no characters are safe. There are also quite a few nice surprises, such as the identity of the Monk and the real purpose of the Wheel.

Alenna has a definite case of insta-love for Liam, but the romance element is very toned down here, making this a good recommendation for boys who enjoyed THE HUNGER GAMES and/or LEGEND (Marie Lu) and are looking for a read-alike.

THE FORSAKEN is available in hardcover now. Visit the publisher's website for more information. I have 5 copies for readers in the US and Canada (courtesy of the publisher) and 1 copy I can send internationally (donated by the author).  To enter, fill out this form by September 4, 2012 at 11:59 pm CST.

See index of all dystopian reviews at Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure: Review copy from author


  1. I think I will enjoy reading this book and it has one of the most unique covers.

  2. I like the fact that the action and suspense are high and that there are some big twists as well. I also agree that the cover is wonderful!

  3. Cool. Glad that it had merit, since i just won a copy. :-p

    My expectations are slightly lowered, but I will expect actiony goodness.

  4. Forsaken is one that I really was hoping to get for my birthday (but didn't) so hoping I can win a copy!! :)
    Thank for for the wonderful giveaway <3

    Mary DeBorde M.A.D.

  5. Great story, thank you for the giveaway!

  6. This sounds like my kind of book - I am absolutely an action girl. If there's fighting and danger (not unnecessary), I'm there!

    I am so in love with your Merit Badges, by the way! They look fantastic and they're a wonderful way to quickly point out the best quality of a book. :D

  7. The Forsaken sounds great! I love a book that can surprise me.


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