Friday, August 17, 2012

Book Review: Requiem by Lauren Oliver

REQUIEM is the final installment in the exciting, thought provoking dystopian trilogy that began with DELIRIUM (read my review of that instead of this if you haven’t started the series yet). 

In my review of the middle book, PANDEMONIUM, I said: "It's no secret to anyone who has read Oliver's books that she has a way with words. This is writing that can make you believe in anything.” That holds true here as well. See, I came into REQUIEM hoping for a certain outcome and even though that outcome didn’t materialize, I left the book convinced that Lauren stayed true to her characters and that everything that happened developed organically.

Lauren was in Frankfurt for the book fair last October, and when I met up with her, we had a long discussion about the romance element of REQUIEM. Who should Lena end up with? With Alex, the boy who first showed her what love is and with whom she shared an unparalleled sizzling chemistry in DELIRIUM? Or with Julian, the boy who discovered what love is thanks to her and who is sweet and awesome and completely won me over in PANDEMONIUM? Unlike in most YA triangles these days, it is not a clear or easy choice.

But REQUIEM is not all about the boys – far from it. With the addition of Hana’s POV (in alternating chapters with Lena’s POV), we gain more insight on why Lena’s fight with the resistance is so urgent. It’s a testament to Lauren’s skill as a writer that she is able to make Hana sympathetic despite some rather shocking revelations having to do with her. Although I was understandably more invested in Lena’s story, Hana’s parts were essential to fleshing out the world.

Now that I’ve finished the series, I’m itching to go back and start reading it all over again – and really – what higher praise is there?

REQUIEM comes out March 5, 2013. Find out more about the series at Lauren’s website.

See index of dystopian reviews on Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure: This book was sent to me by the author


  1. Very excited to hear that there are chapters from Hana's POV in this one considering what I found out about her in her dedicated ebook!

    I love Lauren Oliver's writing style too. :)

  2. Can't wait to continue on with Requiem!

  3. EEEEEEP! That was my reaction when I saw this review! I am really looking forward to Hana's POV and I love Lauren Oliver's writing. This is one of my favorite series so I am beyond excited for this last book. :)

  4. Ughhhh! I still have not read Pandemonium but this review certainly reminded me and I am itching to flip through it. Lauren Oliver is such an amazing writer-my favorite book of hers still remains the awesometastic Before I Fall, which was lovely. Great review!

    A Splatter of Ink

    (Hey. Hey you! Do you like poetry? Do you like poetry contests? Do you like poetry where you can win some awesometastic books? A Splatter of Ink is hosting their first poetry contest!Click here for more information!)

  5. Hmmm. March 5th is kinda far away. I loved Delirium, but Pandy felt like the middle child. I liked the love interest, and really liked the last 50 pages or so (and I SO knew what was coming! Ack!), but overall it didn't blow me away like the first book. I've very VERY high expectations for this one!

  6. I can't wait for this one! I'm going to be hunting it down at NCTE in November. Even my principal, who I got hooked on the trilogy, asked me back in June if Requiem was out yet.

  7. I'm glad to hear that this book is so good. I've been looking forward to this forever and can't wait to get a copy!!

  8. I can not wait and I am excited to see that this one is not all about the boys!

  9. my friend Mason & my conversation:

    me:(after i finished delirium)i hate this book!!
    me:cause the dude dies!!!

    Mine& his conversation before & after i read pandemonium:

    me:oh my god, mason i love this book!(probally about page 200)
    Mason:but you hated it earlier.??
    me:so its, um..whatever mason, just shutup..

    (end of pandemonium)
    me:(throws book across the room)i f'ing hate this book!!!
    Mason:you just said you hated it, wtf.?!!!

  10. Too short!!!
    LOL! really, thanks for this review I'm dying.. really DYING to read this book. You are so lucky to have it!!

  11. Do you have an e-mail for the public to send in questions to you??


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