Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dystopian August 2012 Recap

Ok, this is unforgivably late - but I'll say I'm sorry anyway.  For the first half of September, I was finishing up a draft of LEVEL 2's sequel and then I went to Kyrgyzstan.  There just aren't enough hours in the day.

In any case, here's what went down in the second half of dystopian August. (First half recap here!)


Receiving the Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Action:

Dualed by Elsie Chapman

Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse

Midnight City by J. Barton Mitchell

Receiving the Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Romance:

Surrender by Elana Johnson

Receiving the Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Twists:

none this time

Receiving the Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Worldbuilding:

Crewel by Gennifer Albin

Eye of the Storm by Kate Messner

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

Receiving the Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Writing:

Because It Is My Blood by Gabrielle Zevin

What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang

No badge:

Diverse Energies short stories collection


J. Barton Mitchell previews Midnight City (St. Martins/Oct 30, 2012)

Elsie Chapman previews Dualed (Random House/Feb 26, 2013)

Cat Winters previews In The Shadow of Blackbirds (Amulet/Spring 2013)

Melanie Crowder previews Parched (Harcourt/June 2013)

Brandon Sanderson previews Steelheart (Random House/August 2013)

Amy Tintera previews Reboot (HarperTeen/Summer 2013)

Polly Holyoke previews The Neptune Project (Disney-Hyperion/Summer 2013)

Bethany Hagen previews Landry Park (Penguin/Fall 2013)

Amy Christine Parker previews The Silo (Random House/Fall 2013)

Peggy Eddleman previews Through the Bomb's Breath (Random House/Fall 2013)

Phoebe North previews Starglass (S&S/2013)


Winner of the 5 marked-up novels is: Melissa of One Librarian's Book Reviews

Winner of What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang is:

Jen P in MA

Winners of Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse are:

Agnieszka K. in Poland
Vi in PA
Desiree in OR
Bethany in RI
Maria S in TX
Cordelia F in GA

Winners of Possession and Surrender by Elana Johnson are:

Casey S in PA
Beth D in VA
Stacey H in KY
Mary D in IL
Jessy B in PA

Winners of Shadows Cast by Stars by Catherine Knutsson are:

Christina F in GA
Rachel H in MS
Ephrielle M in OR
Kelly R in NS (Canada)
Jen H in OH

Winner of Unwind and Unwholly by Neal Shusterman is: Addie R.

Winner of The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken is: Jasmine R in WA

Winners of the Diverse Energies short stories collection are:

Alicia E in AL
Heather Z in UT

Winner of All These Things I've Done and Because It Is My Blood by Gabrielle Zevin is:
Anne B in NM

Winner of Crewel by Gennifer Albin is: Kelly L in NY

Winner of the Birthmarked Trilogy by Caragh O'Brien is:  Carina O in Norway


Thanks to all your comments and tweets, I had a blast during this year's Dystopian August.  Because LEVEL 2 will be fresh out in the world next February, I can't commit to a full month of dystopian activities ... but the merit badges are not going away! You'll see them again ... and Presenting Lenore will always be a place to discover and discuss dystopian works.


  1. First off - that zombie chicken badge is just about the neatest badge EVER!!!

    Second off, Dystopian August rocked and I loved all the interviews, posts & giveaways!! Dystopians are my favorite genre and, I'm happy to say that I've gotten my daughter thoroughly hooked on them, too lol ;D

    Lastly, thank you for all the sweet, generous giveaways!!! It's appreciated more than you know <3

  2. Wooo! Epic Dystopian August as always, dear.

    Yay! I won an Apocalypsies book. *dances* Oh, I've read 50 of them now! And I'm reading two more right now, though both are sequels.

  3. I won I won I won! Yay! :D Thank you so much. <3 I have loved your Dystopian August posts :) You must continue with it ;p <3 You are the best. :) Thank you <3
    Love, Carina

  4. Thanks for another great Dystopian celebration month. I suppose publishing a book might be a good excuse not to have one in February :)

  5. p.s. I made a pre-order for your book on amazon.

    just wanted to share.
    yours, danny.


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