Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review: Movies and TV

Even though I don't usually blog about movies or tv, I do like my year end list summaries.

2012 Movies I saw this year

Hunger Games (twice in the theater, 3 times on the plane)
Cabin in the Woods
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (on demand)
This Means War (plane)
Snow White and the Huntsman (plane)
Moonrise Kingdom (plane)
Rock of Ages (plane)
The Five Year Engagement (plane)
Life of Pi
The Dark Knight Rises (plane)

Total of 13 (5 less than last year)

Since the English language movie theater closed down, I've been less likely to want to go see films in the theater (because I have to see them dubbed into German). Action movies like Prometheus are okay in German, but comedies don't translate. I usually save movie watching for my visits to the US or the plane, which limits their frequency considerably. My favorite movies this year were The Hunger Games and Looper.  I thought The Dark Knight Rises was incredibly boring (though I did like Anne Hathaway as Catwoman), and Snow White and the Huntsman was very WTF.

Notable movies I saw in 2012 that were released before 2012

Like Crazy
The Help
Source Code
Crazy Stupid Love
In Time
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Sixteen Candles

2012 movies I still want to see

Les Miserables (need to see this!)
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Silver Linings Playbook
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Cloud Atlas

TV series I watched in 2012

Germany’s Next Top Model – Season 7
The Vampire Diaries - Season 3
Homeland - Season 1 and 2
Revenge - Season 1 and 2 (so far)
The Walking Dead - Season 2 and 3 (so far)
Big Bang Theory - Season 5 and 6 (so far)
Mad Men - Season 5
Dexter - Season 6
Subpurgatory - Season 1 and 2 (so far)
Battlestar Galactica - Season 1 (rewatch)
The Mindy Project - Season 1 (so far)
Person of Interest - Season 1

I watched the first episode of quite a few new shows (Revolution, Arrow, Beauty and the Beast) which didn't inspire me to watch more.  I am really enjoying The Mindy Project. She's so hilarious. Revenge is not as good as last year, but I'm sticking with it for now. Walking Dead is better - and the mid-season cliffhanger is killing me. Subpurgatory is hit and miss. Some episodes are brilliant and others fall kind of flat - but it's always fascinating somehow. 

How was your year in movies and TV?


  1. Revenge is definitely not as good this year. I've wanted to discuss that with someone! I just caught up and it's definitely lost momentum. I hope it picks up in the New Year!

  2. Great lists! I always need movie ideas - I should print out your lists. Happy New Year!

  3. I am not a huge movie person, but I did watch the Hunger Games quite a few times(3 times in theaters, who knows how many since then), and it's quickly become one of my favorite movies. In my opinion, it's just as good as the book.

  4. I LOVED In Time & seem to be the only one I know who really enjoyed Source Code. Still have to see Tinker Tailor.

    I saw about 17 movies from this year and countless others from earlier years. Of those that you mentioned, I really liked THG, Cabin in the Woods, This Means War, & Looper. Still need to see Moonrise Kingdom, The Five Year Engagement, & TDKR.

    As for TV, you have great taste in TV! I stopped watching Revenge but based on what I've heard about this season, I'm not missing too much. Maybe one day I'll catch up. Have you ever seen Being Human (Syfy/BBC)? I've seen both versions and surprisingly (because it's not often that I do) like the US version more. I also recommend Scandal (just started watching it myself on Netflix haha), White Collar, Nikita, Lost Girl, Switched at Birth & for some laughs, Raising Hope, Happy Endings, The Middle (It got so much better), & It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

    So excited to see what 2013 brings for movies & TV!

    Happy New Year!

  5. I loved seeing all of the movies this year. You still saw more in the theater than me, lol! I watched both seasons of Homeland this year as well, and I haven't started the new season of Revenge. The only other show I've been watching is Once Upon a Time, but I'll be watching Smash next month!

  6. Of course Snow White and the Huntsman was very wtf. I mean, who would ever believe that K-Stew was more attractive than Charlize Theron?

  7. I honestly can't remember if I've been to the movies in the past year because we've been going so rarely. We've been planning to see The Hobbit, but every single day and evening is crammed full of activities and/or we're unable to get a babysitter. I think it's funny that you got to see The Hunger Games so many times on the plane. I've only had that happen a couple of times - on our flight to London and back (Shall We Dance and Sideways - saw both of them twice and hated Sideways).

    I love Next Top Model - haven't missed a season of the US version, and also The Big Bang Theory. We started watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix this year and I've been surprised at how much I like it.


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