Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Return of Cat Tuesday (79) + Level 2 blog tour updates

Every time I get out this green cup and fill it with water, Lu goes crazy.  He wants it, and he's not going to take no for an answer.

ALSO! The Level 2 blog tour has begun.

Find out how I went from book blogger to author at Serendipity's Reviews.

Paint your nails Level 2 style with help from The Overflowing Library's post

Pretty Books asked me some awesome questions (one of my favorite interviews!)

AND ...

The League of Extraordinary Writers is pre-launching Level 2 this week.  Check out this conversation between me and Lissa Price and Susanne Winnacker's review of Level 2.

Lauren Oliver is giving away a signed copy of Level 2 and Requiem if you tell her about your memories!

I discuss the importance of the seasons in Level 2 over at The Reclusive Reader + enter to win an exclusive Level 2 tote bag!

A Level 2 interview with Braiden of Book Probe. Find out if I've ever wrestled a crocodile ...

Reading Teen reviews the audiobook of Level 2 and describes how it "broke her brain"

KellyVision says Level 2 will be the YA debut of 2013 (thanks!)

Melody Simpson at Hollywood the Write Way says "Level 2 is a reminder of why we all fell in love with reading"

More great reviews from Paperback Princess, Emily's Reading Room, Tez Says, Chocolate Covered Reviews, The Starry-Eyed Revue, and Book Chic.

Australian only giveaway at Behind a Million for one of three copies of Level 2!

5 more days til launch (eep!) and I've been hearing reports of Level 2 already available in US and UK stores ... let me know if you see a copy.


  1. You just need to give him that cup!

    I'm so excited about your book! I guess I'll be getting a call from my bookstore soon!!!!

  2. Lu seems to feel like that is HIS cup for some reason, and it's adorable! I am so glad to see that everything is picking up with the book, and that so many reviewers are putting it out there and hosting giveaways! It's all so exciting!!

  3. No glass of water is safe in our house. If you have left it sitting, and it has been unattended, you'd best just start over because it is nearly a sure thing that one of the six cats has had their paws in it. And I'm totally jacked about the book on audio! I'm waiting patiently for my library to get their act together...

  4. It was really fun coming up with the interview questions so I'm glad you enjoyed answering them, Lenore!

  5. You are all over the place!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait for my copy to arrive on my Kindle!!!

  6. I'm still waiting for my pre-ordered copy of Level 2, which should show up on my doorstep, soon, I hope!!!

    I put a glass of water on the nightstand, every night, and it's not unusual for Isabel to awaken me with her slurping noises. So funny the way your Lu reaches in and licks the paw. Love it!

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  8. I went to preorder my copy of Level 2 from Barnes & Noble and to my surprise I received an email telling me it had shipped and I received the book in the mail this past Wednesday! Very excited to read it!

  9. I'm so behind on this, but it seems very fitting that my review link is within a Cat Tuesday post. Thanks for including my review! I so wish I could see you at some point on your US tour, but finances are tight. If I somehow find a way, I'll be up at the Alexandria signing since I do have that day off from work.


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