Monday, February 18, 2013

Book Review: Starglass by Phoebe North

Terra lives on a generation ship heading away from Earth to colonize a new planet. On the eve of their arrival, Terra is recruited by an underground rebel group that her mother may have been involved in. Her mission is to kill the ship's rising captain, but can she do that when she's falling in love with him?

First of all, of course I had to give a Zombie Chicken merit badge for worldbuilding to a novel that gives us cats in space and gives us a legit reason for them being there too. Debut Author Phoebe North fills her science fiction universe with a myriad of thoughtful details, making this one of the deepest, most engrossing stories I've read in a long time. And one that absolutely goes to places you never see coming.

In fact, I loved it so much, I blurbed it (my first official blurb, y'all!):

Immersive and compelling, STARGLASS is sci-fi with both brains and heart. Terra’s search for belonging and authentic human connection is one to savor. 
—Lenore Appelhans, author of Level 2

But don't just take my word for it, STARGLASS has also gotten three other fabulous blurbs (from authors far more established than I am):

Starglass is a richly imagined, beautifully written book. It’s science fiction, mystery, and coming of age story all wrapped into one; creative but also firmly grounded in a real human experience, with all its loss, pain, and disillusionment—but also beauty, hope, and belonging. A wonderful story. 
—#1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth

Starglass is a poignantly written, gripping tale. I just loved it. I really enjoyed the themes of political intrigue, the depth of the characters, the suspense, and the twists and turns, all with the backdrop of space and interstellar travel, which I love. It all felt so original. 
—James Dashner, bestselling author of the Maze Runner trilogy

Murder, rebellion, and spaceships done right: Phoebe North’s STARGLASS gave me the best kind of chills. I can’t wait to see what the sequel has in store. 
—Jodi Meadows, author of Incarnate
Exciting, yes?  The only downside is that STARGLASS won't be out until July 23, 2013, so you do have a bit of wait.  But it's well worth it, trust me.  Find out more about STARGLASS at the author's website.

FTC disclosure: Review copy received from publisher

See index of all dystopian reviews on Presenting Lenore


  1. Your first blurb! That's a milestone! I like that it is a substantive blurb, not just "fantastic!"


    I'm pretty sure my mind just exploded. That's some Doctor Who business right there. I need this book. Need like oxygen.

  2. This book looks soooo good. Great first blurb, it really caught my attention, as did all the others. I really am going to have to read this book now!

  3. Man, you just make me want to read this book even more! Okay, well, maybe that's not entirely possible as I preordered it sometime last fall, but still! I lurve me some sci-fi, and I'm really itching for this one.

  4. This looks AMAZING!!! You got me desperate to read it! If you were to grade it from 1 being the worst to 10 being the best, which grade would you give it?

    Also, congrats on the blurb :DD

  5. This looks AMAZING!!! You got me desperate to read it! If you were to grade it from 1 being the worst to 10 being the best, which grade would you give it?

    Also, congrats on the blurb :DD

  6. I can't wait for this one! It LOOKS fantastic, and everything I've seen about the actual content sounds fantastic, too. Yay, YA sci-fi! Thanks for sharing about it with us, Lenore!

  7. Now this sounds right up my street, down my alley, tickling my timbers and all sorts :). Will have to add it to my goodreads list, I love my sci-fi and appreciate world-building skills.
    Great review, Lenore.


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