Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Colors of Madeleine Blog Tour - Yearning for Yellows

Yellow is one of my favorite colors - especially in winter! I'm thrilled to be the YELLOW stop on Jaclyn Moriarty's blog tour for her new novel A CORNER OF WHITE.

In honor of my stop, I've created a YELLOW board on Pinterest, including some of my favorite yellow book covers.

Normally, I would've read the novel by now, but I suspect my review copy is being held up in the German customs office. So ... hopefully I'll get it soon.  In the meantime, check out the summary:

A tale of two worlds, told in brilliant color. 
Readers have loved bestselling author Jaclyn Moriarty since The Year of Secret Assignments. Now she gives them A Corner of White, the first in a suspenseful, funny, genre-busting trilogy that brings her fantastic characters, laugh-out-loud descriptions, and brilliant plotting to a fantasy setting. 
Madeleine and her mother have run away from their former life and settled in a rainy corner of Cambridge, England (in our world). 
In another world, in the Kingdom of Cello, Elliot is in search of his father, who disappeared on the night his uncle Jon was found dead. The talk in the town is that Elliot's dad may have killed Jon and run away with the physics teacher. But Elliot refuses to believe it. And he is determined to find both his dad and the truth. 
As Madeleine and Elliot move closer to unraveling their mysteries, they begin to exchange messages across worlds — through an accidental gap that hasn't appeared in centuries. On both sides of the gap, even greater mysteries are unfolding — with more than one life at stake.

In our world, Madeleine is known for using bold colors in her clothing & accessories, but in the Kingdom of Cello, colors have a different role entirely. Read about Cello's color attacks in The Colors of Madeleine, but in the meantime, here are some fun things from our world to enjoy!

Yearning for Yellows

1. Dress
2. Tea Pot
3. Notecards
4. Perfume
5. Watch


One (1) winner receives The Colors of Madeleine prize pack in Yellow:
· Moleskine journal
· Pen
· Coffee mug
· Copy of A Corner of White

US only.  Please fill out this form by March 27 2013 at 11:59 pm CST to enter.


Today The Colors of Madeleine tour also stops by My Friend Amy’s Blog with a guest post from Jaclyn Moriarty introducing the character Madeleine!

Visit Jaclyn Moriarty’s Official Site

The rest of The Colors of Madeleine tour:

Monday, March 18th: Jaclyn stopped by Ex Libris Kate and Hobbitsies featured “Require-These Reds” on The Colors of Madeleine tour!

Friday, March 22nd: Novel Novice is interviewing Jaclyn Moriarty and Forever Young Adult is “Begging for Blues” on The Colors of Madeleine tour!

Tuesday, March 26th: Jaclyn is stopping by The Book Cellar and Mundie Moms is featuring “Gotta-Have Greens” on The Colors of Madeleine tour!

Thursday, March 28th: Jaclyn is stopping by The Readventurer and Alexa Loves Books is featuring “Oblige Me With Oranges” on The Colors of Madeleine tour!

Monday, April 1st: Jaclyn is stopping by Angie-ville and Gone With The Words is featuring “Wish-List Whites” on The Colors of Madeleine Tour!

Wednesday, April 3rd: Jaclyn is stopping by The Book Smugglers and Perpetual Page Turner is “Pining for Purples” on The Colors of Madeleine tour!

Friday, April 5th: Pure Imagination Blog is interviewing Jaclyn Moriarty and I Read Banned Books is “Greedy for Grays” on The Colors of Madeleine tour!


  1. What a clever blog tour! Those yellows are a breath of fresh air as Shanghai is desperately fighting off the last of winter. I'm in the middle of reading this book, and I gotta say, I still haven't figured out yet the relationships and meanings of the colors, but I am enjoying myself!

  2. Yellow is my favorite color too! I am intrigued by this book, and am curious about what the colors mean in this other world. Thanks for the giveaway, Lenore!

  3. A new Jaclyn Moriarty book? Swoooon!!! I will add that to my list immediately.


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