Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Should Start

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is about series books we've been meaning to read.  I've always had a complicated relationship with series.  Despite an early infatuation with Babysitter's Club and Sweet Valley High, I shunned series for awhile. I'd always seem to start them and never finish.  Probably the only longer than 3 book series I've ever completed is Lemony Snicket's SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS (is that kind of sad?).  I still have some ARTEMIS FOWL books to catch up as well and I have three books left to go in the THURSDAY NEXT series.

Most series I've finished have been dystopian trilogies.  For example, HUNGER GAMES, CHAOS WALKING series by Patrick Ness, DELIRIUM series by Lauren Oliver, THE CHEMICAL GARDEN series by Lauren DeStefano, BIRTHMARKED series by Caragh O'Brien, ACROSS THE UNIVERSE series by Beth Revis, THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH series by Carrie Ryan, THE COLD AWAKENING series by Robin Wasserman, and of course I'm still in the middle of a ton of other dystopian series (although I've given up on some of those too).

That said, there are still some series I'm looking forward to starting.

1. The JESSICA DARLING series by Megan McCafferty.  I am starting SLOPPY FIRSTS soonest.

2. The BEKA COOPER series by Tamora Pierce.  Can you believe I've never read anything by this acclaimed fantasy author? Shameful!

3. The DEMON'S LEXICON series by Sarah Rees Brennan. I read "Undead is Very Hot Right Now", Sarah's short story in THE ETERNAL KISS anthology and I loved it, so ...

4. UNEARTHLY series by Cynthia Hand.  Kind of cheating because I did read the first few chapters of book 1 before I lost it.  But bloggers I trust have raved about this series, so I'm going to track it down.

5. SECRET SOCIETY GIRL series by Diana Peterfreund.  First two books were a gift from Carla! 

6. TOMORROW series by John Marsden. I have the first two books in this series too, and it's kinda dystopian so why haven't I started yet?!

7. A RESURRECTION OF MAGIC series by Kathleen Duey. I met Kathleen in Bologna way back when and bought the first two books.  When is the third coming out?

8. THE DARKEST POWERS series by Kelley Armstrong.  I got the first three books really cheap one year at the Frankfurt Book Fair. So maybe.

9. MIDNIGHTERS series by Scott Westerfeld. I kind of want to check these out. I got the first one at a used book store.

10. CURSE WORKERS series by Holly Black. These books sound really good. I think I have WHITE CAT around here somewhere ...

So many series, so little time!

What series have you been wanting to start? Have you read any of those I mentioned today? And what is your feeling about series in general? Love them? Hate them? Let me know.


  1. I LOVE 1 (well, the first two books) and 5 on this list - highly recommend! I don't really read series despite growing up on them, just because they're not terribly common in contemp, but E. Lockhart's Ruby Oliver/Boy Book series is one of my favorites. Also Kate Brian's Private and Privileged series are both trashily delightful!

  2. You damn right better be reading Jessica Darling soonest! *is menacing*

    You've not read Tamora Pierce? Who are you? My favorite is the Trickster's Duet, which hardcore Tamora fans don't like. I'm clearly not reliable. Haven't read Beka yet, though.

    I really want to read some Sarah Rees Brennan, but I'm sort of eh on that now bc she's doing so much TMI stuff. Bleh.

    Secret Society Girl needs to happen in my life too.

    Oh, and Curse Workers. I've never read any Holly Black.

  3. Oh man, the Holly Black series is INCREDIBLE! If I could have written any YA book, I wish I'd written WHITE CAT. So amazing! :)

  4. Dahlia - I do probably need to check out the Ruby Oliver series. I did love FRANKIE L. BANKS.

    Christina - Yes, I'm ON Jessica Darling! I AM.

    *Is ashamed of my lack of Tamora Pierce*

    Re: Holly Black, I've only ever read her short stories, but I really loved The Coldest Girl in Coldtown.

    KM - That's what I hear!!

  5. The UNEARTHLY series is great! I absolutely adore WHITE CAT and need to read the rest of The Curse Workers series asap. Love Holly Black!

    I want to start the JESSICA DARLING
    series and start reading Tamora Pierce, Sarah Rees Brennan, and Kelley Armstrong in general soon. I got my sister into Uglies so just going through that series before I tackle anything else by Westerfield. Enjoying it so far!

    As for what series I need to start...well, I just need to start reading Richelle Mead and Julie Kagawa period. Michael Grant's Gone series, Artemis Fowl, Maximum Ride, and Matched also come to mind.

  6. I wouldn't start with Beka Cooper - it's the newest series in her Tortall world and the weakest.

  7. Melody - I've read the first three in UGLIES, but not EXTRAS yet ...

    Liviania - Those are the ones I have on my shelf, so they are the most likely to get read right now!

  8. I really loved The Curse Workers series. More than I thought I would actually! If you do audio, they're read by Jesse Eisenberg and are fantastic.

    I've been wanting to read the Jessica Darling series too. Maybe I'll remedy that one soon.

  9. Amanda - I don't typically do audio, but I do have some long road trips ahead of me, so MAYBE! Thanks for the tip!

  10. THE CURSE WORKERS!! Please put these at the top of your TBR pile. They are phenomenal, and one of my favourite series. I really loved the Darkest Powers trilogy as well. The main character Chloe is a super relatable and realistic character.

  11. I loved Marsden's series when I was in middle/high school. Really need to catch up. I've read Tamora's other series, but still need to read Beka Cooper.

  12. I've read 1 and 2 but would certainly love to get to Armstrong's! I have them just haven't made time for them!

  13. I haven't read anything by Tamora Pierce either! I actually just checked out three of her books from the library. The first Beka Cooper is one of them! I also checked out Sandry's Book and Magic Steps (I think that is the title).

  14. Unearthly is a must read series. Definitely one of my faves! :)

  15. I am in the middle of several series as well, and am planning on going along with them, as they slowly are released. I am also hoping to start Delirium and the follow up book soon, so that I can be caught up!

  16. i just found your site from another site. thank you so much for your DY list! i've been using a flowchart i found online for books simmilar to hunger games.

    anyway, some series i love. (sorry if some of the names are mispelled)

    maze runner - james dasher
    legend - marie lu
    graceling - kristen cashore
    cinder - marissa meyer

    i did not like bumped/thumped.

    delirium was just okay.

  17. Unearthly is a good one! I want to start that one, too.

    Here was my list: http://imlostinbooks.blogspot.com/2013/03/10-series-id-like-to-read-but-havent.html


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