Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What I've Been Reading: The Madman's Daughter by Megan Sheperd

The awesome website Bookish interviewed me and Megan Sheperd not long ago and the interview is now up!  In the interview, I reveal that I read part of THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER at Megan's house in Asheville and it really freaked me out.

See - THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER has creepy atmosphere in spades. I wasn't sure at first that I wanted to read it, because it's a sort of retelling of THE ISLAND OF DR MOREAU, and if you know that book then you know it = animal experimentation.  Several friends had told me about the deaths of furry little creatures in this one, and since that's usually a deal breaker for me, I was understandably wary.

But -- I read it.  And I loved it! (Ok, so I might have skimmed the animal death).  Not only is the writing evocative and setting rich, I also great admired how Megan put together the plot to set up so many jaw-dropping reveals and twists.

So excited that there are two more books in the series to look forward to!

Side note:  One of the designers who worked on this cover is a friend of mine from high school -- how crazy is that?!

FTC disclosure: Unsolicited ARC from publisher


  1. I really want to read this one! I am off to check out the interview!

  2. The animal death is intense, but the book is worth it!

  3. Thank you to Liviana for clearing that up! It makes me feel better about this one. I've been really curious about this book since I first heard about it and am glad you liked it, Lenore!

  4. I read this book a few months ago and absolutely loved it!

  5. I have the audiobook and i'm listening to it right now! I'm almost finished, less than an hour left and although i was suspicious of one of the revelations in the book, the one near the end totally took me by surprise!! :O

  6. This book was definitely too gruesome for me but it's a very interesting idea and I know a lot of others loved it.

  7. Seriously? The designer was a high school friend? That's crazy random!

  8. You know I got this book in Asheville but I have been looking at it on my shelf because I know it will be super creepy! I am determined to read it soon, though.

    In other notes, I am reading Level 2 right now. Almost done. And it's awesome!


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