Saturday, May 11, 2013

Book news!

We had a great mail day yesterday!

First - finished copies of CHICK-O-SAURUS REX (which comes out July 23, 2013)

You can already preorder on amazon or at an independent bookstore near you.

Then, I got copies of the Tawainese version of Level 2

Lots of quotes on it from people we know

I also got cover flats for THE MEMORY OF AFTER paperback (new title of Level 2), but I can't show them because they have the cover of CHASING BEFORE on the back ... which I will reveal soon, but not quite yet.

Speaking of THE MEMORY OF AFTER (Level 2) - there's an awesome eBook sale going on which ends tomorrow.  Get it on kindle for only $3.79. Or in any other eBook format for only $3.99.


  1. super cool!!! congrats on all fronts, Lenore!

  2. I love that Taiwanese cover!! Lots of good news here!

  3. Congrats for all of the above! I look forward to reading Chick-o-saurus! The Taiwanese edition is beautiful.


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