Monday, June 10, 2013

The Gilmore Girls Watch Along Week 3

Yes, I am very, very behind, but I finally finished season 3 of Gilmore Girls!  See Melody's recap.

In this set of episodes, Rory and Dean break up (because she couldn't tell him she loved him, even after he gifted her with a junkyard car) and then ultimately get back together in the season finale. I'm really liking Rory's relationship with Dean because it brings out so much of her character.  After the break-up, Rory doesn't want to "wallow" as Lorelei advises, but instead throws herself into completing items on a list -- until she goes to a party, her icky classmate Tristan kisses her, and she realizes how good she had it with Dean. THEN and only then does she break out the ole Ben & Jerry's tub and settle in for a good cry. (aside: why have I never seen these five gallon tubs of Ben & Jerry's?! Get me some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough STAT!).

Meanwhile, Lorelei gets back together (sorta) with Max when she realizes she's not over him, and then *shocker* he proposes in the season finale. But hey, we ALL KNOW she needs to end up with Luke, so this can so not happen, right?

Looking forward to season 2!

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