Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bookanista Review: The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

Caymen despises the rich, entitled customers that treat her badly at her mother's shop, so when wealthy hotel heir Xander comes by to pick up a doll for his grandmother, it's hate at first sight. But despite their class differences, Xander and Caymen start to get to know each other, and start to think they might be able to close the distance between them.

The more I think about this one, the more I like it. It's a light, romantic read with a appealingly snarky MC (who works and lives in a CREEPY DOLL SHOP) and a swoon-worthy boy - exactly what I needed as a respite from all my doom and gloom reading. The ending might be a bit too pat (and doesn't allow the couple to really work through their main conflict) but it put me in a good HEA mood, so I won't grumble.

Find out more about the book at the author's website.

FTC disclosure: Unsolicited review copy from publisher


  1. Creepy doll shop! Yikes. I do love a good HEA though.

  2. I loved this book and I usually don't go for the cutest books. But in this case, it was just too adorbs and I needed something lighter to read.

    I agree that Caymen and Xander don't really get to work through their problems. I never really even thought about that till now. My feels were too busy exploding to notice. Lol.

  3. The doll shop is insanely creepy. Bleh. Why any one would want one of the baby ones I do not understand. The ending's definitely too much of an HEA, but oh the happy feels!

  4. I've wanted to check this out. Love the cover:)


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