Sunday, March 9, 2014

Let Me Be Your Book Fairy

I'm in Benton, KS right now and I'm surrounded by packages.  One box included lots of these:

Isn't it exciting?

To celebrate, I want to make you an offer. How about I fill up a medium flat rate box -  including a copy of CHASING BEFORE as well as ARCs of some of 2014's hottest books* -  and send it to YOU? Or even better how about I do that for two of you?

This has gotta go down before I go back to Germany, so fill out this form by Tuesday night and I'll send the books out on Wednesday.

Good luck!!

*NOTE: This giveaway is US only, but I will be doing an international CHASING BEFORE giveaway later on. If you need a copy of THE MEMORY OF AFTER too, let me know that on the form. Medium flat rate boxes can fit approximately 10 books. Some ARCs may be from 2013. Most or all will be YA.


  1. I almost never enter these sorts of things anymore (I can't remember having done so in several years, actually) but I can't resist! :)

  2. I hope you're having a good time in KS! Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. Ahh I can't say no to a pretty cover :) Thanks for the contest

  4. Would you consider shipping to Canada if I paid for shipping? :) So happy for your Lenore can't wait to read your second book

  5. XD They look so pretty! I can't wait to see where the Chasing before will take me :) Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  6. Can I just say you are the bomb dignity? LOL! I really love the cover! Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Thanks for the generous giveaway! :)

  8. aw. I really want Chasing Before, but I guess I will have to wait as I live in Canada. :( The covers are pretty, though! I am looking forward to reading it!

  9. Hi Lenore! Just thought I'd let you know I'm teaching Adolescent Lit at a small Michigan university, and your blog will be one I recommend to my students. We will be visiting often. Thanks for providing such great material.


  10. YAY! CONGRATS TO YOU! And so excited about the contest! :)

  11. I am SO bummed! I filled out the form, but I just realized I'm 2 days too late! :( I'll keep my fingers crossed for next time!


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