Sunday, April 6, 2014

On Setting Goals: The April Challenge

After six relatively unproductive months of surgery and recuperation (I say relatively, because I wrote, revised and checked copyedits and first pass pages on THE BEST THINGS IN DEATH (12K), + checked copyedits and first pass pages on CHASING BEFORE, + revised a picture book for a resubmit), now that I am mostly healed, I decided I wanted to make April a very productive month.

How? I pledged per day to:
- write 1k a on Works in Progress
- participate in some form of exercise (no sit-ups allowed until May though)
- run at least one errand from my to-do list
- read a book for one hour

I've now been on this regimen for 6 days and so far I have:
- written a little over 6k on two different novels
- done hot yoga 3 times, hiked twice and the shred once
- managed to check off 6 items from my to-do list
- read one book (400 pages) + 60 pages on another

Writing-wise, my words are flowing well. I am trying to turn off my editing brain, and it's sort of working. This prose is definitely rougher than I'm used to.

Yoga has been challenging but invigorating. The shred was a nightmare to come back to. It's a little sad to see how out of shape I am after 6 months of hibernation.

So far so good! I'll update you on my progress again next week.


  1. That's a really good goal list. It sounds like you are accomplishing a lot!

  2. The best part is that you're definitely on the mend! YAY

  3. Way to go! And it's good to hear that you're now able to exercise again.

  4. So happy to hear that you're mostly healed! Great goals! Pace yourself with the exercise and don't worry about the six months. Onward! Can't wait to see more progress!! :)


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