Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Awesome Reads of 2015

I read over 90 books in 2015, and annotated all of them for my MFA program at VCFA, though I didn't talk about many of them here. As you can see by the handy Goodreads graphic below, many of them were backlist. If you click on this link, you can find out more about each of my favorites. Also, see my Awesome Reads of 2014 which I just posted now, one year late!


  1. I haven't read any of them. I must investigate.

  2. Yay :D Awesome post Lenore. <3 So glad you read so many amazing books last year :) Hugs. I also loved Illuminae so much. <3 And Bone Gap was so special. I hope you will read lots more this year too :) Hugs.


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