Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Chobe NP game drive

Friday morning we did a game drive from 9 am to 1 pm at Chobe NP. If you want to see wild cats and dogs, you have to go earlier in the morning (6 am to 9 am), but then you may see little else. We were advised to do the later drive, so we set off with the guide and a Polish family (who live in Hamburg). They had just been in other parks in Botswana and seen amazing stuff like lions taking down an impala, so they were disapointed with the drive. But for us, it was a chance to see some of the animals closer than ever.

Such as this bird, a lilac-breasted roller - so colorful

And this banded mongoose who was in a bigger group digging for scorpions and snakes

This is as close as we got to getting a close-up picture of a buffalo

Our second encounter with giraffes

Quite a close up of an elephant eating

and a male kudu protecting his territory

The only animals we didn't get to see that I really wanted to see were zebras. Most start coming about mid-June, so the timing just wasn't right.
We did see hyenas finally on our last night at the VF Safari Lodge. That was a real treat!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures and stories are wonderful! I never really had any desire to go to Africa, but you make it sound beautiful! Glad you guys had a great time celebrating your birthday and anniversary!


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