Monday, June 4, 2007

Dinner at the Boma

To round out our 1st anniversary activites, we ate a traditional african dinner at the Boma "place of eating" restaurant located just across the way from our lodge. The food was amazing. We had a starter of baked mushroom and guinea fowl pate and then a bowl of butternut squash with coconut soup. Then we went to the buffet where we got warthog steaks, ostrich skewers, veggies and potatoes. Daniel had two desserts while I went back for some excellent cauliflower. Daniel was even brave enough to try a Mopani worm for which he got a certificate signed by the chef (he says it was disgusting - bitter and gritty, like vegemite but worse). The entertainment was an interactive drumming session, something that we heard every other night from our room.

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