Friday, June 29, 2007


So that Monday night of my last post, my fever went back up and I got out the ice packs again. My fever finally broke for good mid-Tuesday though I still felt really weak and sick the rest of last week. I did drive myself over to Kelly's on Wednesday for our weekly girls night, but did not do much else of note until Sunday when we took Steve and Kelly to Daniel's mother's for a real German meal at a real German's house.
I am still not feeling 100% great, but hope to finally shake this bug completely (though certainly running through the rain today with Kelly did not help) because I have big weekend plans. Charlotte is coming down from Bremen tomorrow and we are going to the Tori Amos concert on Saturday night here at the Alte Oper. This will be my third time seeing Tori with Charlotte and my seventh time in all (went with bro Nick twice, went once alone and dragged Daniel once). That's a lot of Tori concerts, but my record is still seeing Better than Ezra 11 times back in college.
Then on Sunday morning, I fly to Amsterdam for 3 days for a job. I will be sure to post all about it, and until then, I will entertain you all with a request from my father: a virtual tour of our new apartment. Stay tuned!

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