Monday, July 23, 2007

Grant's Pass and Brent and Rose's wedding

After leaving Crater Lake, we stopped by the mall in Medford to buy Daniel some hiking boots for his trip to Turkey. Then we checked into our hotel, the Lodge at Riverside in Grant's Pass and had mexican food for dinner.

Friday we went over to Brent's parents where preparations for the wedding were in full swing. Daniel was drafted to help with the goat curry (they made ALL the food for 100 guests themselves!) and I uploaded CDs to Rose's laptop. Many of Rose's 14 siblings and her parents were there as well and Brent's parents of course, so it was nice to get to talk with them a bit.

We then went on the Hellgate jetboat excursion on the Rogue river (setting of "The River Wild" and other Hollywood movies) with most of the group and had dinner.
Saturday, Daniel and I walked around the cute downtown area in Grant's Pass and then went to the wedding. They did it Quaker style so it was a VERY simple ceremony on the banks of the river. Some of the family played a piece on violin and then they just got up and said their vows to each other and were married. They were a bit choked up at the beginning, but after a jet boat went past and someone yelled out "DON'T DO IT", they relaxed considerably.
Here is a picture of the happy couple:

And here is a pic of Daniel and me:

And here is a picture of Dave Latta wearing my jacket (he's a wild one!):

We had a really great time and met a lot of fun people including Rose's family (Lars made a special impression by calling Daniel "Helmut" and Josh by regaling us with stories about Austria), Brent's family, and then the other 20 guests who weren't related who were mostly classmates of Brent and Rose at Yale (Pierce - who is going to Istabul at the same time as Daniel, Tom - whose car broke down in Nevada necessitating a Greyhound bus ride, Clarice - who grew up in Paris, John - from Turkey, etc.) or old friends of Rose or Brent (where Daniel comes in since he was at Art Center with Brent) such as Erika, Dave (see above picture) and Savannah.

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you and Daniel. What a great wedding. You are now officially linked up on I am going to post some pictures....



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