Sunday, July 1, 2007

Virtual apt. tour, Part 2

There are three connected rooms on the street facing side of the apartment. The first one we use as a den/guest room. We love the wood floor, high ceiling and balcony.

The second room we use as a living room. It also has a door with access to the front facing balcony. This sofa and chair set is from Daniel's great aunt Herta and looks a lot better in this apartment than in our old one. I got the coffee table at the Frankfurt US Consulate auction for 21 Euro (my lot included a chair which I gave to Steve and Kelly and a lamp). What a deal!

The third and last room is my office. I will post a picture in the next edition of the virtual apt. tour series.

1 comment:

  1. These photos make it seem even cooler and larger than I remember!!!


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